by Tish MacWebber | Feb 1, 2020 | Trust Your Gut
I have written before about emotional eating. I do it, and I am trying to change my relationship with food. It is not easy to change, but I am working on it, and I am making progress. Little by little, I am making changes and seeing results. Not too long ago, I wasn’t aware of how much I let food rule my world.
Living with type 2 diabetes; food is something that I can obsess about. It is easy to go for a quick and easy meal or snack when I tell myself I am stopping my blood sugars from dropping. Without testing, it is very hard to know whether the blood sugars are high or low. I know what to watch for, but it doesn’t mean that I can always tell.
I am working on taking my health more seriously this year. Since I have been testing my blood sugars more frequently, they are finally getting back to normal ranges. I am paying more attention, and my efforts are paying off. If I am going to do this, I need to remember to take my medications. It is good to be able to write that I am back on track with this.
On Being Kind To Myself
Choosing to prioritize my own health care IS being kind to myself. Making poor choices or slacking off is not. I saw the result of that over the holidays, and it was not pretty. Implementing changes like keeping track of taking my medicine or checking my sugars is a huge accomplishment.
In the fall, I bought myself some new clothes. Two new dresses, one casual and one for a special occasion. As I was in need of new dressier boots, I found a new pair and a new pair of casual shoes too. I don’t go shopping for clothes frequently, and there are times I go out and come home with nothing. When I find good sales on clothes or footwear, I usually get what I can; when the odds are in my favour.
Making a pointed effort to not go out and buy clothing regularly is telling myself that I am not worth the effort of going to shop for myself. While I can’t afford to buy new clothes every month, I should make an effort when I am in need.
How About My Dance More Goal?
I did Zumba at home 2 times last week. I have fallen behind on cleaning at home. Sometimes I switch it in when I need to get some cleaning done in place of the dancing. Recently I worked on switching the makeup area in my master suite by moving two storage shelving options around.
Dancing is the goal, but I needed to adapt it a bit to allow for any movement that is being done on purpose. Running errands, window shopping, even doing laundry and putting it away (not my favourite thing to do) is moving on purpose. Any activity is an extra activity for me now.
Being aware of the need to be more active means nothing if I am not actually making changes. It is not easy. Neither is shoveling snow, but it is necessary for the winter where I live. I also count it as an activity.
How Do I Stay Motivated?
One thing I learned a while ago when I was feeling bad about the state of my house is that if I watched the shows on TLC about Hoarders, it can inspire me to do more cleaning in my home. I am a packrat, not a hoarder. I can purge and throw things out or donate them. It isn’t always easy, but it can be done. I do need to be in the mood to tackle cleaning my home, and watching this show helps. It shows how bad things can get if you do not clean your home and consequently, it does make me feel like cleaning around here more frequently.
Some other shows I have been watching lately are My 600 Pound Life, and another one called The 1000 Pound Sisters. I am watching to learn how to help myself, with the same thought process behind it. I don’t want my weight to ever be that high. Watching the show is how I can learn about what not to do. The doctors on these shows have to be tough, and the people who are looking for the surgery have to commit to their health before they will get approved. I see their struggles, and I recognize some of the traits I have in common with the people on the show.
Emotional eating is a problem I admit to having.
Not in the same way the people on the show do, though. I have seen some really bad habits. Eating take out and going to more than one restaurant in a row, just ordering food, eating in the car, and going to the next drive-thru is something I have never done. Not for full meals. If I want things from different places to make up a meal, maybe, but this is a rarity for me.
One thing which really stood out to me is that more than one person relates their food to be their only friend. Not only does it make me sad to think that there are people out there who genuinely feel this way,l but it is something I have never had to deal with. I eat my feelings, but I do not rely on food to comfort me the way a friend would. It is not the same for me.
The good news is that some of those people succeed. It gives me hope that when I get serious with myself, I can make the changes needed to be healthier.
by Tish MacWebber | Mar 29, 2019 | Trust Your Gut
When I wrote Trust Your Gut part 64, I was struggling. Immensely. I was having difficulty with managing my day to day life, and with controlling my type 2 diabetes. Since then, I have worked really hard and made some positive changes.
I have been unemployed for two months, and I was feeling lost, in many areas of my life, health included. I have had blood work, and the monthly average had gone up again. It was over 10 in the last 3 months, and that is considered high. The three-month average should be under 7 or lower, to be considered as under good control.
I was falling further and further out of control. This had me in such a state that I almost went into full panic mode. I knew I had to make some drastic changes or things would continue getting worse and worse. The complications of diabetes are well documented, and poor blood sugar control only exacerbates the issues.
I made a decision.
I had another appointment at the Diabetes clinic, that is when I found out that my blood sugars went up again. The first thing I did was talk about medications. I have had a prescription for a new medication since the last time I saw my doctor in January. With the job loss, and my husband in a new job, we did not have medical coverage for the new medication, and it was expensive. I had to wait before I could start it.
Meanwhile, my doctor is now aware of the increased 3 month average of my blood sugars. She may not know that I lost my job, and asa result of seeing my last blood work results, I will bet she will be planning to give me a stern talking to when I see her. I hope to distract her with the proof I have been doing much better since I was finally able to start the new medication this past Saturday.
I started to take Victoza. It is an injectable drug, taken once daily. At the diabetes clinic, I was asked if it would be better for me to take it once a week, which required a different prescription for a different drug, or if once a day would be manageable. I decided to stick with the once a day option, as I know myself too well. If I picked Monday for the once a week, and forgot, then as a result, I wouldn’t know what to do. I have been doing really well remembering to take it once a day, with the new system I have had some help to set up at the clinic.
In less than a week, things are SO much better!
Today, I had to call the clinic, only 5 days after starting the new medicine. I have had a blood sugar low, and this means that the new medicine is working SO well, that I have to lower my insulin amounts to compensate. Hallelujah! Progress in the right direction! What a relief!
There are side effects of the new medicine. They are not as bad as they were when I started it. My stomach is settling down, as there were a few upset days. I am hoping that I continue to tolerate it well because my sugars are stabilizing.
What else am I working on?
Furthermore, I asked at the clinic for help to keep track of what I am eating, and my medicine intake. Since I have 2 agendas, I am now using the larger one as a food/water/medicine intake journal. I have kept up with it, and it is helping me to stay accountable. Really, I wasn’t kidding when I wrote that I have proof to bring to my next doctor’s appointment. Sometimes it is okay to ask for help, as long as you are willing to do the work once you get it.
Until this year, I have been asking for help and not getting the right kind of support for my health. I have tried things and been told that I am doing fine, and the appointments would be less frequent, or just stop, so I am pushing harder for the help this time. It is still up to me to do the work, but it feels like I am going to have the right kind of support this time. I just need a little help, to figure out the best way for me to take control of my health. I am happy to say that having a plan, finally, is just what the doctor ordered.
Most importantly, I am working on a lot of things right now. I am not only working on my health, but I am also learning how to organize my days, to have more structure. I needed help with that. Next week I will be seeing a dietitian. I hope things keep going well. For now, I am celebrating a little bit. Something is working, and as a result, it seems like I am going to be able to keep progressing in the right direction for a change.
Have you asked for help and been let down?
Don’t give up. Keep asking. Maybe like me, you haven’t found the right person to help you yet. It only took me 20 years. Sometimes it pays to be stubborn.
by Tish MacWebber | Dec 1, 2017 | Trust Your Gut
The names here may or may not reflect the person’s real name. If someone wants to remain unknown, we will choose a different name for that person’s story. The goal is to help people, and anonymity is a valid personal choice for contributors. I will use a person’s name only if they give permission to do so.
This week I am pleased to share another of my own stories.
Here is Trust Your Gut: Tish’s Story; Part 40
This week has been hard on me. I am writing a book, and I participated in NaNoWriMo to try to write 50,000 words in the month of November, with several hundred thousand people all around the world. I am currently waiting for the final validation as I write this. I am really anxious about it. I want to beat 25,000 words. Time will tell.
I have not finished the book, just like I have not finished my journey to become a healthier version of myself. It is going to take more work. I will have to spend time on the writing, editing and then work on publishing and sales.
In my journey to be a healthier version of myself, I have to work on my diet, my exercise, my self esteem, and being able to stop listening to the little voice in my head that talks me into doing destructive things, and to eat things that are not going to be the best option for my goals.
I know all of this. I know what to do. But being human means that sometimes I make the wrong choices. It is inevitable. So instead of focusing on what I did wrong this week, I am going to share what I did right.
I went to Zumba twice. Excellent. I didn’t overeat the wrong things when I chose to eat them. I didn’t panic today when my sugars were close to a low at lunchtime. I ate my lunch, and then I had 1 sucker just to make sure I would be OK. I avoided the panic of wanting to get chocolate, just in case.
I did alright, all things considered. My official word count is 25,223. I broke 25,000. That is a lot of writing. I am learning about my style, and how to get things going again. The same must be said for my struggles with my health. I went to Zumba twice this week, and my body responded better than previously to insulin. That is why I almost had a low. It shows that hard work pays off and that I can do it.
I have finished NaNoWriMo for this year. I do not know if I will do it again. I do know that I learned a lot about how I like to approach writing a book.
I have happily worn some of my new clothes this week. The new jeans fit like a glove. I don’t have to be losing weight to appreciate something that fits me well. I am going to need some more jeans soon, but these are a good fit for now. I haven’t worn all of the new clothes, yet, but I am liking what I bought so far.
I have 4 spaghetti squash to cook this weekend. I am supposed to share it, as my friend gives me some to turn onto something edible to share. Maybe now that I am done with NaNoWriMo, I can shift my focus to my healthy journey again. I am trying, and that is what I will keep working on until I am doing it again. It will happen. I just have to keep working on it.
by Tish MacWebber | Oct 19, 2017 | Trust Your Gut
The names here may or may not reflect the person’s real name. If someone wants to remain unknown, we will choose a different name for that person’s story. The goal is to help people, and anonymity is a valid personal choice for contributors. I will use a person’s name only if they give permission to do so.
This week I am pleased to share another of my own stories.
Here is Trust Your Gut: Tish’s Story; Part 35
They say that the core muscles are where your strength comes from. Mine hurt today. I had an awesome Zumba class yesterday. I didn’t feel like I worked out that hard, but I felt it last night when I was getting ready for bed. I am getting ready to start pushing myself in the writing game. This means I need to be active, or I will be a blob of goo in December.
I am not kidding. I have fallen way off track this fall, and I am working on getting my head back in the game. I need to put together a plan. I have been talking about this for a while. Thinking, not doing. Sometimes it is because I have other things that take priority. It happens to everyone. This or that becomes a priority.
The next thing you know, there are so many things that are a priority, you get left behind. I think that is what I am fighting with myself about right now. The importance of me.
I still have not checked in with the scale. I won’t do it until I am feeling brave. That won’t be until I am making strides in the right direction. I need to start wanting to track my progress. I can’t do that to myself right now. I don’t want to know how badly I have let things slide. I do want to pick myself back up and start wondering again.
I had some lows this week. That is a sign that I am turning a corner. When I am noticing that I need to lower my insulin doses again, it means that things are starting to work in my body. I have found that I am not able to go with a Zero carb diet. That is why I am positive that THM is the best option for me. I am getting there.
Writing about it helps. I am trying to inspire myself with my words. I have accomplished so much two weeks ago and nothing of significance this week. Except for the change in my blood sugars and getting myself to Zumba. That means this weekend I have some work to do. If I am going to be successful next month with my writing goals, I need to get serious about planning EVERYTHING out.
Time to make some lists. Time to make some changes. Time to make progress. Last but not least, time to make ME important enough to be a priority in my own life.
by Tish MacWebber | Jul 20, 2017 | Trust Your Gut
The names here may or may not reflect the person’s real name. If someone wants to remain unknown, we will choose a different name for that person’s story. The goal is to help people, and anonymity is a valid personal choice for contributors. I will use a person’s name only if they give permission to do so.
This week I am pleased to share another of my own stories.
Here is Trust Your Gut: Tish’s Story; Part 22
Well, folks, it has been a fantastic day! I didn’t start off too well, I started the day with a sugar low. I didn’t let that stop me, not for too long. I ate my banana in the car and had a juice box when I got to work. My sugars, of course, went up from there. As usual, I chased the banana with a black coffee. That’s how my days start. I don’t usually have the juice box, and I don’t usually have the low at that time of day. So what is going on?
I have worked hard this week to find my way back to working on me. I have had to make some decisions and some changes. I have started cooking meals that are on plan this week, and I am letting myself enjoy what I make. That is how Trim Healthy Mama is supposed to work. I’m not an expert, and I stray a little here and there, but I am getting my groove back, and the scale is responding the right way.
I am also happy to say that I am sitting here melting in my living room. It is said to be the warmest day of the week, and it is more than warm. I am not just warm because of the temperature in here, but also because I have made it to Zumba twice this week. So when I write that I am melting, it is literal. I worked out in this heat, hydrated, and now I am relaxing in my little almost sauna. It sounds better than it is, but I am not here to complain.
I am here to try and help people. I have been lacking in that department, lately, because I was not trying very hard myself. I have had enough of that noise! I am back and working hard to make more progress than before! I am seeing it, and when I see it, I know it is real. I am cooking. I am planning. I am working with recipes that I really love because that is what keeps me going back to this plan.
My sugars are coming back around. That is one of the most important things I can do for my health, is to monitor my sugars, and eat so that they stabilize. I am working on that, and THM is the way for me to do that. When I add in exercise, it is a remarkable difference in how I feel, and how I attack every day. Planning is so important for me when it comes to food. I have worked hard this week to make food that is on plan so I can start winning this thing called life we all play at here.
I am breaking away from the bad habits again. Only I can do that, I have to believe that I am worth the effort. Now that I am back in my routine, and back from vacation, it was time to start working on things that help me feel better, and live life better.
After my on plan supper, I was wanting a little something extra. I tried the new Good Thins Beet crackers. They are OK, but I saw the ingredients and decided to not eat too many. I was debating making an on plan shake or smoothie when my husband showed up. He had picked up his own supper, and cinnamon rolls. But the best thing he brought home was a bag full of fresh cherries. I indulged in a bowl full of cherries. Because let’s face it, life really is based a lot on your perspective, and in what you make of it. I am making the most of things tonight, and having the bowl of cherries, because who wants to choke on the pits? Not me. I’m back, and I am feeling great!