Fresh From The Blog:
Trust Your Gut: Jane’s Story; Charting My Weight | Gaining Perspective
Trust Your Gut is a series of stories about real people with weight issues, and complications...
Trust Your Gut: Tish’s Story; Part 83 | What Did My Brain Just Tell Me?
The power of the mind is a miraculous thing when it is being used for a greater purpose. It can also lead people down the wrong path. I am not writing about the criminal mind, nor the mind of people who have mental health issues in this case, though. I am writing about how it can make you believe something that just isn’t true. In this case, I am writing about denial.
Trust Your Gut: Tish’s Story; Part 82 | Reflections
It is early January 2022. My husband and I went on a road trip, the first one since July of 2019. We traveled to Nova Scotia to stay with his mother for the week. It was a nice visit. My mother-in-law knows I love lobster, and she made sure there was plenty for me to have as a treat during our visit. I ate my fill, and then some. After all, it was the holiday season, and with the world the way it is, we didn’t have plans to paint the town red during our visit.
Makeup Monday | Purging My Stash
The time of year to clean and purge is upon us, and I have started with my makeup. I will admit...
Weekend Warrior #67 | Back To The Basics
It is time to revive this category on my blog. My last entry was in 2019, and coincidentally...
Makeup Monday | Investing In Me
Hello to my Beautiful Friends. I know it has been a hot minute since I last wrote in this...
Trust Your Gut: Tish’s Story; Part 81 | Backyard Bully
When I wrote my very first Trust Your Gut, on February 2, 2017, it started with an intro like...
Tishspiration Tuesday | Don’t Let Yourself Fall Between The Cracks
I know things are wild out there. People are yelling at people about the safe distance and who should or should not be out and about. Remember that they are not intending to be ignorant, they, like you, are scared of what is happening, because they, like you, have no control over things they normally would have control over. Like going to work and getting a paycheck. Going to the mall. Seeing their friends and family.
Trust Your Gut: Tish’s Story; Part 80 | Three Surprising Weeks
I was really having a hard time on Monday after the news came out about the study being postponed. You see, I am willing to walk on the treadmill for science, and to help other people, but I was not convinced I would be willing to do it for my own health.
Makeup Monday | More Than Just A Pretty Face
Did you know that the state of your skin affects your makeup application? I didn’t. I have seen changes in my skin, and in my makeup looks after applying makeup.Skin is the largest organ on your body, so it deserves a little TLC whenever you can fit it in.
Trust Your Gut: Tish’s Story; Part 79 | Medical Study Progress Report
The study started 4 weeks ago. I have had some things happen which I will write about, but please understand, I am also participating with the blessings of my doctor. I KNOW I NEED TO DO THIS. If I keep showing up, I might just save my own life.