Tish MacWebber’s Blog
It’s all here. From her humble start to the current category selection, Tish MacWebber has been blogging since November 2016. She wanted to share her lyrics with the world when she was challenged to try blogging. She recently took a break and is back to see where the next evolution of blogging will take her.  She advises to pick a category and read it in sequential order. There are several to choose from, and this way you can catch up one section at a time. She hopes you enjoy reading the blog as much as she enjoys writing it.

Fresh From The Blog:

Trust Your Gut: Tish’s Story; Part 82 | Reflections

It is early January 2022. My husband and I went on a road trip, the first one since July of 2019. We traveled to Nova Scotia to stay with his mother for the week. It was a nice visit. My mother-in-law knows I love lobster, and she made sure there was plenty for me to have as a treat during our visit. I ate my fill, and then some. After all, it was the holiday season, and with the world the way it is, we didn’t have plans to paint the town red during our visit.

Tishspiration Tuesday | Don’t Let Yourself Fall Between The Cracks

I know things are wild out there. People are yelling at people about the safe distance and who should or should not be out and about. Remember that they are not intending to be ignorant, they, like you, are scared of what is happening, because they, like you, have no control over things they normally would have control over. Like going to work and getting a paycheck. Going to the mall. Seeing their friends and family.