The time of year to clean and purge is upon us, and I have started with my makeup. I will admit that I had a difficult time choosing what to keep and what to toss. I made some tough choices, but that is what happens when I don’t set boundaries and take in things I really don’t need. Let me explain.
Since starting my part-time job, I have been given a lot of product samples. There were a bunch of makeup testers destined for the trash if I didn’t take them home. I went through the pile, found out how to safely disinfect them and clean them to make them safe for me to use, bagged them up and took them home.
I got the cleaning supplies for them. Do you know what happened next? They sat on top of my vanity for several months, in the bag.
Photo by Tish MacWebber
Photo by Tish MacWebber
Photo by Tish MacWebber
Before the cleaning and purging. Photos by Tish MacWebber
Why did I leave them there?
Since I have become more intentional and focused on the makeup I am selling, I have been struggling with what to do with my other makeup. On one hand, I love the products I had bought, and I was given a great gift to help me practice and get better with makeup application.
On the other hand, I want to use only the makeup from my company to promote what I love, and help people learn how to use it. I thought about just using all of the makeup I had in my Adventures With Makeup Club, since it was adding to what I have to work with in the art of makeup.
I started purging. It took an hour or so, and then I had some indecision about some if the makeup I had been hanging on to.
One thing about me is that when I make a decision, I take action. I may think about it, and sleep on it first, but I do take action once that decision is made.
I left the garbage bag out, and thought about the few items I was uncertain about keeping.
Before I went to bed, I made my decision. Even though it hurt a little, I tossed almost all of the makeup I had that was not from my makeup company. I still wonder if that was the right thing to do, but it made organizing my makeup easier than if I had kept some of the other products.
Creating space for the products I want to tell people about, and share my adventures with, has made the adventure easier to think about. Plus it was a great start to the purging of what I do not need to hold on to.
My husband moved my collection to the top, safe from Jazzy the cat.
I was able to make room.
My Face Cleanser has a home.
Eyeshadows all together.
Blushes and setting powder.
Mascara, eyeliners and eye primer.
My Tish*ology
Cleanser and toner
Brushes, blenders and a mask.
What is in that case? I’ll write about it next time.
Tidy and Organized. Photos by Tish MacWebber
Now that I am organized, I feel so much better about investing in my business. It is tidy and organized, so that I can find what I need quickly and easily when I want to enhance my natural beauty with the accessory of makeup.
Hello to my Beautiful Friends. I know it has been a hot minute since I last wrote in this category. I will not apologize, sometimes I need a break to fill my own cup, run my spoons through the dishwasher, and just be with myself. I plan to be writing here every other week for a while so that I can get back into the habit of blogging and sharing my Adventures With Makeup.
Like so many people on social media, I am a direct marketer. I still have a lot to learn, and I am happy to say that 2020 provided me with some new opportunities. I gained a part-time job in the beauty industry. I can continue to grow and challenge myself there while serving the local community of stylists in a retail store. Physically, I wasn’t sure that I could ever work on my feet again, but this job has allowed me to build up my stamina. I still have moments when my nerve pain bothers me, however, my doctor has been able to prescribe something to help manage it. I am gaining confidence in my ability to work on my feet, and in my expanding knowledge of the beauty industry as well.
My business offered some wonderful bundles of makeup throughout the holiday season. In 2019, I was only able to purchase one of them. In 2020, I made it a mission to get them all. I have received all but the last holiday bundle to date, and I am eagerly checking the tracking information for updates. I had mini celebrations here as bundles one through nine arrived in my mailbox. I have not tried out all of the products, yet. I have tried a few, and I am impressed with all of them so far.
You see, I had a plan when I decided to get the holiday bundles for myself. I wanted to have my own products to use, so that I can give them my honest reviews. I am honest to a fault, and I value my integrity immensely. I am an optimist and I do my best to find the bright side of everything I can. So even when I review products, I will be honest if I am not happy with them, explain what I do not like, and then spin it to aim towards people who like the things I do not. I am not in the business of destroying anything or anyone, I look for something good in everything and everyone.
Today I wanted to set the stage for the next entries. I will be scheduling time to use the products I received in the bundles, to help me to grow my business. It is hard to tell people why you love something if you have not tried it yourself, and I now have more to work with. It is one reason for the title of this blog, and why I decided to invest in my business.
The other reason is personal. I have found that I really enjoy playing with makeup! I do not wear it every day. For me, it is something I have worn in the past for special occasions only. I sometimes share eyes only posts, because we have to wear masks due to the pandemic to minimize the spread of Covid-19. I wish I could have written this blog without referring to the pandemic, but it is here, and we are adapting as much as we can to be able to survive it. So many people have died from it, and many are suffering, either from fighting the illness or from the loss of loved ones. Others are struggling with mental health issues. If you missed the connection above, filling your cup and running out of spoons are references to mental health and wellness.
Eyes Only. Looking toward the future with hope.
One thing you can do to make yourself feel better is to do makeup on your eyes only if you have to wear a mask. When you have a day off and do not plan to leave the house, it is a great excuse to do a full face of makeup to make yourself feel better and to snap a new profile pic for your social media. Show people your blank canvas, and then enhance your natural beauty with makeup. There are lots of tutorials on Youtube for different makeup trends, and if you are going to play, why not learn something new at the same time? It could be a technique, a new style of makeup brush to use, or if you splurge, you can try new makeup and learn from makeup artists online.
I am working towards a collection of my own makeup, from my own company, so that I can show people how to use it and what the benefits are for the products. There is a skincare line, and it is something I am working towards earning more of in 2021.
I have slowly been growing my makeup biz, and I am constantly looking for new ideas of how to make it more successful. I am sharing my first official ‘look’ photo above, and two more here. When I do a full face of makeup, I like to take numerous selfies, including some with my glasses on, and some without. Then I can show how the makeup looks whether you wear glasses or you don’t.
I shared these photos as Facebook Stories in December 2020.
I feel like I am improving my skills, and that will translate to more customers in the future. It is the ultimate goal of any entrepreneur to grow their business. As I work on this, I always want to remind myself that we are all Always Beautiful and that applying makeup is a skill we can use to enhance our own natural beauty. I believe this is something that I am learning myself, and I am happy to share the journey with all who are interested in following me on this path. I know I am beautiful on the inside, but for years, I would only want to be the person behind the camera taking the pictures, not being in them. I have come a long way in five years, personally, and I am looking forward to the future with hope. I share the good selfies, and the bad ones, to show that I am learning and that it is okay to share the not so perfect pics because they aren’t all the best pictures of me. They are pictures of me, though, and I do not use filters. Whether or not I am wearing makeup, I have gained so much confidence in myself that I don’t think twice about sharing the silly selfies. They make me human, and that is something we all have in common.
I have been working on my makeup business lately. It is a lot of fun! Learning how to use the makeup I have to create new looks is something I really enjoy. People are being very kind as I share my selfies online. Consequently, I like to think I am getting better all of the time, and practicing is how I learn.
I also started watching Youtube tutorials. Some just for fun and others to learn. Still, others go into my saved list so I can try to recreate the look in them. One of my friends asked for help with her eye makeup, and I found some videos for her, too. It will be great to see if they help her to get the look she wants.
One of my looks featured red lipstick.
I am not going to lie, I had it in my previous stash. When I started in this business, I had makeup from other sources. The Scottish half of me won’t let me just toss them out…while the French half of me will be okay with that as soon as each item is replaced with products from the company I am working with.
The reason I mention the red lipstick is that I recently posted a graphic on my social media with my red lips. Someone commented that it was a nice colour for me, but they are not brave enough to wear a red shade on their lips. Hence, I am writing this post.
This is the graphic I am referring to. Red lips are ICONIC in the Entertainment Industry.
This is not the only shade of red lipstick that I own.
It is the one which looks best on me, of my 2 choices. In the cover photo, I have set out the looks for today. In my shower, I washed my face and gave it an exfoliating mask treatment. I am also working on different methods of washing and conditioning my hair to naturally enhance my curls. I am liking the results so far.
When I was ready to start my makeup for this blog, first, I used the Younique Uplift Serum under my eyes, on the bridge of my nose, on my forehead, and anywhere else I see wrinkles or fine lines. After the serum dries, which does not take very long, I apply moisturizer. Next is the Touch Glorious Face Primer, seen in the cover picture at the top of the blog. My final step to prepare for this look was to draw a line with Moodstruck Precision Pencil Eyeliner in the colour Perfect, from my forehead to under my chin.
My line drawing skills are a little off centre.
This idea started with me thinking about the two lipsticks, and also about me wanting to show the wrong shade of foundation for me and explain why it is wrong.
I chose the two samples seen above. Touch Mineral Liquid Foundation in Cashmere is not the correct colour for me. To be honest; neither is Lace, but it is the closest one I had available in my samples from the presenter kit. I decided to match the wrong foundation colour with the wrong red lipstick.
Cashmere Liquid Foundation Sample on my left side.
I did not blend it at all.
I am just playing around, not creating a look I would ever wear for any other purpose. Blending would have helped it to be more even on my skin, but it would not look natural on me at all. If my skin was tanned, there might be a better chance of me pulling it off, but you can easily see it is not a natural match for my skin tone.
For the right side of my face, I added the Touch Mineral Liquid Foundation sample in Lace. It is a better match than the Cashmere, but not as good as Organza for me. I am out of Organza Samples.
For the purpose of this demo, I am not going all out on my makeup. You can clearly see that the foundation does cover my skin imperfections, to even them out. Next, I put on the two different shades of lipstick. One on the left is more orange-based, and the other, on the right is more blue-based.
So there is no need to get angry when you think about wearing red lipstick.
There is a perfect shade of red for everyone, just like there is a perfect shade of foundation for everyone. It is all about matching your colours, and your skin tone. Due to time limitations, I did not use the Touch Behold Translucent Setting Powder, which is shown in the picture at the top of the products used.
Don’t be angry if you have the wrong shades. Take time to find someone to help you do a proper colour match.
Colour matching is something which I am learning how to do. As I learn more, and as the business grows, I will continue to get better at it. For now, I have a team of friends who are happy to help me out when I have questions. They are all really great people, and they want to help me to succeed. When we work together, we all win! This is a great work ethic, one I can see myself wanting to continue being a part of, and that puts a smile on my face.
Hello Makeup Monday fans! It has been a really long time since my last makeup post, and I hope you won’t hold it against me. I did a thing. I joined a direct marketing makeup company, and I am having more fun than ever with my new makeup.
Wait a second, don’t bail! I am still going to be reviewing my new products, and sharing my new looks with you. It’s what you keep coming back for, I hope. I will be inviting you to join me in my Facebook group if you want to cheer me on regularly, and writing here on occasion. This is not, at this point, an affilliate marketing strategy. You can still read, check out my pics, learn about the products I use, and it is totally up to you if that is all you want to do. If you love makeup like me, and want more, the invitation will be at the end. No purchase required, but of course greatly appreciated if you decide to get something for yourself from Tish MacWebber, Always Beautiful.
First of all, that group name took a few days to think up. I have my logo for Always Thinking and Always Blinging, and I needed to come up with the right name to go with the logo. That in and of itself took me about a week, which in my world is too long to take to think something up.
Next I created a hashtag.
With social media marketing, I needed to come up with something catchy, clever, and with meaning behind it. After a quick Google search, I realized I had found one I could claim.
You see, I have always loved makeup, but never wore it frequently. I am wearing makeup a little more often now, and for me, it kind of just happened. I did a purge and wrote about it on my first Makeup Monday story. This is number seven. I have added and removed products to and from my stash. I purchased clear storage containers to organize my cosmetics, and I have found that while it was sufficient last year, or even two years ago, whenever I started the makeup habit again, it’s now taking over the counter in y bathroom. So, I created the hashtag #makeuphappens for this new adventure I am on.
During the month of December, I plan to work on the reorganization and storage of my makeup. I have a plan, and I have taken the before pics. When I finish, I will share the whole process here. Makeup Monday fans, this means at least one more Makeup Monday blog post in 2019. 🙂
My New Looks
Now we get to the good part. My new looks. I have been promoting both a blank canvas and a fully made up face as being Always Beautiful. I believe that makeup enhances one’s own natural beauty. Hence the Always Beautiful name for this business. So I have new pics. I am learning how to take better selfies, with the camera I have. I am not sure if it should be upside down like they recommend for selfies on a cell phone, but I am playing.
Here are a few pics I have taken with no makeup and no filters:
Tish with no makeup 1
Tish with no makeup 2
Here I am with my blank canvas. Tish MacWebber Always Beautiful promotes natural beauty, positivity and inspiring others.
When I first got my kit, I was encouraged to try wearing only mascara on only one eye, to show the difference. I can see the difference, can you?
Tish with 4D Mascara on one eye 1
Tish with 4D Mascara on one eye 2
Tish with 4D Mascara on one eye 3
Here I am wearing the Moodstruck Epic 4D one-step fiber mascara on one eye.
If you know me, you know I like to play, and have fun with makeup and looks. Here are two looks which I will guess you were not expecting to see.
Tish with an exfoliating mask on
Tish with makeup on half of her face.
If I am not having fun, I won’t keep working on it. As you can see, I am having loads of fun with different products and looks!
Finally, here is what my new current makeup looks like. I have worn as many products as I can from the kit I got when I signed up. What do you think?
Tish with a full face of makeup
I would love to share my makeup adventures with as many people as possible. I do have a business page, on Facebook, where you can send me a message if you would like to be invited into my Tish MacWebber Always Beautiful group. I do hope to see you there!
I have learned a little bit since I started this new chapter of Makeup Monday. One thing I learned while writing this post is that to get the least reflection on my glasses for my selfies, I will need to lay down on a chair to take them. I will need to practice this, to make it look right, but this afternoon I had a lot of glare on my glasses, and now I have something to try the next time I play with makeup. Until then…check out my business page, and if you want to, come on over to the group. There is a lot going on there, and I am planning so much more!
Two weeks ago, I promised that I would show you all what my Makeup Monday Spring 2019 Look 2 would be. I am getting ready for the glam shots, but not before I share a little story. You see, I am having fun, and I like to try new makeup from time to time. I am also aware of my age. I was born in 1974, you can do the math, my birthday is on July 2nd. The look of the sparkly eyes do reflect my soul, but it may not be what I would choose for a career look.
When I was introduced to this sparkly eye shadow, I was enamoured.
I wanted to get all of the colours and try them all out. I got 5 of the 8 shades available of the Revlon PhotoReady Eye Art eye shadow. For my new spring look. I tried them all out and decided to have fun with a vote I am by no means an expert when it comes to makeup but I do love to play and learn. With this spirit in mind, I was going to have fun with it.
I bought a few different makeup products to try at the same time, and I had the first reveal two weeks ago. Honestly, half of the fun for me is having a selfie photo shoot. I also am learning to use the camera I have to use, and it is amazing!
Here is a recap of the look from 2 weeks ago:
Makeup Monday Spring 2019 Look 1
I chose lip gloss, not lipstick. I used a new mascara and foundation. The product pic & description can be found in the previous Makeup Monday blog post. I love the look with the spring colours, however, I would probably only wear it to social events. It is fresh and fun!
Now we will get a little more of the story.
Someone who cares about me and has known me all of my life wanted to point out that this look may not be suitable for a woman of my age. I politely beg to differ.
While I am open to makeup tips and will keep watching videos about makeup application for new techniques, I am my own woman. I jokingly replied that I am ageless, but the truth is, I am young at heart. I will continue to try new things, and be open to suggestions and tips as always. It is how we learn and grow, after all.
There is something to be said for being conservative. I completely understand where this feedback comes from. It is meant to guide me, but I am carving my own path, and I am going to keep glowing my own way!
Bring on more sparkles!
I have planned this look in response to a tie vote on my survey. I used the same moisturizer, foundation, eye primer, and highlight/contour palette. As it is later in the evening here, I skipped the eye roller for puffiness. Then I layered the other winning look.
Here are the winners, and the new products used for this look:
1 Revlon Ultra HD Matte Lip Colour in 610 HD Addiction
2 Revlon Photoready Eye Art in 020 Lilac Luster WINNER
3 Maybelline Snapscara Mascara in RD02 Deja Blue
4 Wet ‘n’ Wild Nail Colour 407A Sparkle Coat WINNER
5 Joe Fresh Nail Polish in Quartz WINNER
6 Maybelline Dream Bouncy Blush in 45 Orchid Hush
The blush is not new, but it was I chose it for the look. The lip colour and mascara are new, and I have to say I love them both! I love the colours, and how they look. I hated giving up my Electric Blue mascara a while back, and I am thrilled to find a new one to use. Snapscara also comes in Pitch Black and Black Cherry. It would be fun to try the Black Cherry, but I got the Deja Blue first!
Here is my new Makeup Monday Look 2 for Spring 2019
Instead of flipping the same image, I used two this time. I think they turned out better last time, but it is fun to play with the camera.
Now I will share a collage of pics:
The nail polish which tied in the vote was Quartz with the sparkle coat. Here is what it looks like:
We just got a new kitten a little over a week ago. Her name is Jazzy, and she is part tabby and part tortoiseshell, which is called a Torbie. She does not enjoy the nail polish. In honour of her arrival into our home, I am planning a new Makeup Monday in a few weeks to try out liquid eyeliner. I will try to create the cat eye look.
Here is a pic of Jazzy. We love her very much, and she is absolutely adorable!
Jazzy on May 17, 2019. Her gotcha day. We adopted her from a local SPCA, and her adoption fee also covers her appointment with the vet to be spayed.
Although Jazzy didn’t like the smell of the nail polish, she did seem to like the smell of my new lip colour. It does smell nice. That is a wrap for my new spring look, 2019. I look forward to sharing more adventures with both Jazzy and makeup in the future.
What makeup trends are you loving for spring 2019?