Well, the Weekend won this round. I must confess that waking up to a snow covered car and lawn in April is not the most energy inspiring sight to see. This weekend I had the Blahs. There is no other way to say it. I made progress in the early part of the week and let things slide this weekend.
The good news is that I have another three day work week ahead of me, and will be very busy next weekend. I will be writing the next Weekend Warrior in draft mode all week in order to have it be published bright and early next Saturday morning.
I am promising you now that there will be pictures next weekend. I am promising myself, also. Because the bottom line is, I need to set goals and achieve them in order to move forward in this battle. I know that, and you know that if you are reading.
This past week I cleared the table and lost it again. I moved around the items from their old storage places to try and configure a more organized storage solution for my kitchen items. I discovered that the plastic tablecloth protector I purchased was way too big, but decided that I will cut it to fit the table with and also without the leaf in it so that I can cover the table and protect the tablecloth fully, either way. I absolutely did make progress, and it is progress that I can be happy with.
I also wrote a new piece of fiction on my medium page. I wrote about a fictional conversation that I would like to have with Mother Nature about the lingering effects of winter. If you would like to read it, you can follow this link:
Fictional Conversations: Tea Time With Mother Nature
So although I didn’t quite make the amount of progress in the kitchen I wanted to this past weekend, I was busy with other projects, and sometimes that is what you have to do. I hope you had a productive weekend, and most of all, I hope it was fun!