I have had a lot of success with the #DanceWithJanet video audition on my own sharing of the dance video. I am watching the number of views climb while waiting for a response from Ms Jackson, herself. When something like this happens, it is good to keep your feet on the ground (unless you are dancing, of course)! #Tishspiration Strikes again! I have been Tishspired to share a little more about this adventure with the world.
I am sure that there are some people out there who know me that are worried about my sanity. I am fine. It was something that I couldn’t pass up trying for. Whatever the outcome, I did my best. I think of it as possibly a mid-life crisis at the worst. I am trying to make my mark on this world while I am here.
People have talked to my husband about it. They want to encourage him to support me. He does. We have done the Long Distance Relationship thing twice before. It is not easy, but it would not be a problem. People that haven’t known us longer than 10 years wouldn’t necessarily know that. It’s been done, and it could be done again. Who knows, maybe there would be times for him to visit. If not, we would manage just fine.
People are trying to convince me to make more videos. With the copyright laws, that is tricky. The #DanceWithJanet video has raised flags on Facebook. It knows what song it is and who owns the rights. I have done what I could to explain it in the posts with the video. It has been left with the music, as I am stating with the video that I do not own the rights to the song I chose, IF by Janet Jackson.

One must remain humble when something causes a larger than expected reaction. In my attempt to do this, I thought of sharing a longer video of this project. I do not have the knowledge to edit the video to change the speed of the song to avoid the issue of copyright. I tried. I fought with it. I just don’t have those skills. In time, I may learn how to do this. For now, I am clearly stating that this video is a byproduct of my #DanceWithJanet Audition, in which I claim no rights to the music in the video. IF is a song by Janet Jackson, and she owns the rights.
I hope that covers the legalities. If the sound does disappear in the future, we all know what happened. I am not intending to earn any profits from the music that I am dancing to unless I go #DanceWithJanet as a result of sharing it.
People also said that it looked easy. Let me tell you, it was a lot of work. I had to practice. At the start, it didn’t flow. It didn’t look smooth. I had to find the combination that worked the best together, which is what made the final cut. It was actually the last run through on my last video. I had fun, which will be apparent in the video I share below.
I have no regrets. I am certain that it made people smile to watch me try. What else can a person ask for in an adventure like this? Other than being chosen to go work with Janet Jackson, of course. That is the dream, and the reason I tried. I went for it. If nothing else, it made me try something new. That is one of the secrets to feeling alive, is to try new things.

As I wrote above, I am trying to keep my feet on the ground and be humble amidst all of the positivity and support during this adventure. I am going to share 2 videos. The first one is the behind the scenes blooper reel. It shows that I had to practice and work on the actual project before selecting the 30-second audition video. I will share the final audition video also. This shows the progression to the audition and the final result. Enjoy!
And the final edit!
Thank you to @JanetJackson for letting me try. If youtube or Janet Jackson remove the music…I challenge you to turn up YOUR favourite song while you watch. Let me know if it works with my Blooper Reel!

#Tishspired #Tishspiration