Wait, did I just write the number 40 up there in the title? That is crazy! Have I written about my wacky little weekend adventures for 40 weekends in a row? Are you still reading? I will keep writing if you keep reading. OK? We have a deal!
Friday night…what a fun time I had. I left work and went SHOPPING with friends for a Girls Night Out! I had a few things that I needed to get, and I was going to combine the shopping with fun. I am so glad we did it, as everyone had some new things to bring home, and I found some great new pieces of clothing, bought the first Christmas gift of the year and scored some new makeup with more points!
We stopped for fast food before the shopping started. We parked where the shopping would end, and walked to the different stores instead of driving. They were all in the same strip mall, and the A&W was close too. I just got a small root beer and a Mozza Burger. It was not enough to hold me over, I ended up getting a treat later on. However, it did the trick to get me ready to go try on clothes.
I found two sweaters, a pair of jeans, and a pair of pants. These items were what I had hoped to find on sale. I could not pass up a purple polo shirt. But the surprise was a ribbed knit dress that is a sweater dress. The skirt flares and the dress is navy with a black trim. It is gorgeous! I have decided that it will be the dress I wear when I finally get my official Author Headshots done. I was thrilled to find it, and when I tried it on, it was one of those moments when you think, “This is going home with me, even though I wasn’t looking for a dress.” It is now waiting for me to check the washing instructions.
We finished shopping for clothes and took a break at Starbucks. We also took that time to show each other what we bought when we split up. While I was waiting for my drink to go with my reindeer cookie (I needed a little something to keep going) I looked at the decor. I saw that the artwork on the wall is balanced and even, not in odd numbers like they say groupings should be in to be more appealing to the eye. Then I looked up. I could not believe what I was reading on the wall.
“Our mission: to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighbourhood at a time.” Does that sound familiar to you at all? It really reminded me of the beginnings of my Branding journey.
It was a part of my Culture Credo that I made.
“Bling: one bead at a time
Blog: One word at a time
Books: One Chapter at a time”
If I hadn’t made plans to go out, I would still not have made that connection. I think it is kind of cool that I came up with this on my own, and that it has a lot of potential to help me to grow my brand. I just thought it was really neat.
We finished our night with makeup shopping. I bought 2 new lipsticks, a facial mask that I should use twice a week, a new moisturizing cream, and a new blush. As I used the optimum points, we were at the Shoppers we went to last time, I paid half price for everything when I cashed them in. In December, I will write another makeup blog story. I have to get the most out of November while it is still November.
About my NaNoWriMo novel. I am working on it, and I am farther than I have ever been with it in the terms of writing a book. I have received fantastic feedback with the little pieces I have shared in a writing group, or talked about with friends. I may not get to the 50,000 words by November 30th, at midnight, but I will keep writing it, and I will publish the book when it is ready.
Saturday I had a rushed start to get my house presentable. I scrambled around and managed to do the best I could. Then I hosted a write-in for the local NaNoWriMo group. Two people made it. I have decided that it would be OK to host the Thank Goodness It’s Over (TIGO) party. We will be having snacks, and listen to some music. It is scheduled for a Friday in December, and I will write about it after it is over, in that weekend warrior. We had some writing sprints, and we all left with more words at the end of the afternoon, so it was productive. I had some things gathered as door prizes, so my guests left with smiles on their faces, too!
Today was spent catching up. I was catching up on social media. As an up and coming author, it is a part of my job. I helped my husband prepare a grocery list, and sent him off to get the groceries. I cooked a roast. We put away the groceries. I am washing my new clothes, which I am writing this blog. I participated in #Momentum18, a new challenge I found online that is going to help me with my entrepreneurial goals. It is a 4-week challenge, and I will share some of the things I am working on here each week.
What did you do this weekend?