Yes, I know it is Monday.  But when your vacation ends on a Monday, the weekend ends on Monday too.  What a week I have had!

I will be writing about that in a guest post as soon as I can.  I am waiting for pictures from family members to put into that post, and what I write will be determined by the pics they send.

I can tell you that I went home.  I went swimming and spent a fair bit of time between visiting with my family and one of my best friends.  It was a full week.

I was supposed to be writing at this time.  I have not yet started my book.  I was very busy on my vacation while being able to relax and have fun at the same time.

This weekend was also busy.  I was on the road for most of Sunday, after staying Saturday night at my friend’s house.  We stayed there most of the week.  It was nice to spend time with her at her home.

Today was a day to make phone calls, and get my driver’s license renewed.  Then the first step back into my routine, back to Zumba class.  I go back to work tomorrow.  So this is the end of my vacation right now.

I did have a hard time in Zumba.  It has been a while since I have gone to class.  I am not looking forward to going back to work, and back to normal tomorrow.  So I was in my head in class.  I broke free for a few minutes, but it was with a heavy heart that I worked out in class today.  I have a hard time saying goodbye, and there were more than a few this weekend.  It was good to see the people I was able to see and hard to come home.

I was ready, though.  It was time to come home and feel like I was home again.  I love my friends and family, but being home is also a feeling that is good.  Another weekend has ended.  Back to life in the real world tomorrow.