First thing is first. I have washed all of the dishes. ALL OF THEM! With that being said, I am breathing a sigh of relief! Now I can plan the deep clean of my kitchen with the basics being done. I am far from finished in there, but I am back at 0 instead of starting from -1000.
I have been working on the kitchen in spurts. I do have pictures. It is NOT 100% clean and tidy, but the basic surface cleaning is ready for the deeper clean.
I cleared off the kitchen table. The plastic cover still needs to be cut, but I have it on the table to protect the tablecloth. I have taken the leaf out, and I will be putting it back in to cut the cover to the right size. I am really liking the turquoise or aqua colour that is popular right now. The the new placemats are pretty, and they match the tablecloth.
I have yet to go through the pantry. It is closer to being something I can do, with the progress I have made.
The second part of the Pantry is under the Island. This was a part of my kitchen shuffle I did a while back.
The pots and pans are now under the cook top stove. I really like the pot cover organizer we bought at Bed Bath & Beyond. It is a great space saver& organization tool.
It needs to be cleaned properly now that it is cleared off. It won’t take too long, I bought a cleaner and some sponges to clean it with.
The toaster was in front of the breadbox. The electric stand mixer was where the toaster is now. It is better this way.
I finished the dishes shortly after I stopped to take the pictures.
I am so happy I saw what my friend does with her scrub brush. She keeps it in a vase. Mine fit nicely in these vases, and they were in the windowsill before I put things in them.
It still needs work, but it has come a LONG way!
This was another change we made recently.
I can’t wait to hang them up! I will hang them when I am done the deep clean in the kitchen.
Finally some pics of progress to share. I have been working hard at my kitchen, and it will only improve with every hour spent in there. How is your Spring Cleaning progressing?
Looks like you really have a handle on making your house a home. Great job Tisb
Thanks MaryRuth! It is a never ending project! With a deadline. 😉
Your’re making headway! Good job. 🌼
I sure am! It is nice to get some things finished.