Makeup Monday | Tish MacWebber Always Beautiful

Makeup Monday | Tish MacWebber Always Beautiful

Hello Makeup Monday fans! It has been a really long time since my last makeup post, and I hope you won’t hold it against me. I did a thing. I joined a direct marketing makeup company, and I am having more fun than ever with my new makeup.

Wait a second, don’t bail! I am still going to be reviewing my new products, and sharing my new looks with you. It’s what you keep coming back for, I hope. I will be inviting you to join me in my Facebook group if you want to cheer me on regularly, and writing here on occasion. This is not, at this point, an affilliate marketing strategy. You can still read, check out my pics, learn about the products I use, and it is totally up to you if that is all you want to do. If you love makeup like me, and want more, the invitation will be at the end. No purchase required, but of course greatly appreciated if you decide to get something for yourself from Tish MacWebber, Always Beautiful.

First of all, that group name took a few days to think up. I have my logo for Always Thinking and Always Blinging, and I needed to come up with the right name to go with the logo. That in and of itself took me about a week, which in my world is too long to take to think something up.

Next I created a hashtag.

With social media marketing, I needed to come up with something catchy, clever, and with meaning behind it. After a quick Google search, I realized I had found one I could claim.

You see, I have always loved makeup, but never wore it frequently. I am wearing makeup a little more often now, and for me, it kind of just happened. I did a purge and wrote about it on my first Makeup Monday story. This is number seven. I have added and removed products to and from my stash. I purchased clear storage containers to organize my cosmetics, and I have found that while it was sufficient last year, or even two years ago, whenever I started the makeup habit again, it’s now taking over the counter in y bathroom. So, I created the hashtag #makeuphappens for this new adventure I am on.

During the month of December, I plan to work on the reorganization and storage of my makeup. I have a plan, and I have taken the before pics. When I finish, I will share the whole process here. Makeup Monday fans, this means at least one more Makeup Monday blog post in 2019. 🙂

My New Looks

Now we get to the good part. My new looks. I have been promoting both a blank canvas and a fully made up face as being Always Beautiful. I believe that makeup enhances one’s own natural beauty. Hence the Always Beautiful name for this business. So I have new pics. I am learning how to take better selfies, with the camera I have. I am not sure if it should be upside down like they recommend for selfies on a cell phone, but I am playing.

Here are a few pics I have taken with no makeup and no filters:

When I first got my kit, I was encouraged to try wearing only mascara on only one eye, to show the difference. I can see the difference, can you?

If you know me, you know I like to play, and have fun with makeup and looks. Here are two looks which I will guess you were not expecting to see.

Finally, here is what my new current makeup looks like. I have worn as many products as I can from the kit I got when I signed up. What do you think?

Tish with a full face of makeup
Tish with a full face of makeup

I would love to share my makeup adventures with as many people as possible. I do have a business page, on Facebook, where you can send me a message if you would like to be invited into my Tish MacWebber Always Beautiful group. I do hope to see you there!

I have learned a little bit since I started this new chapter of Makeup Monday. One thing I learned while writing this post is that to get the least reflection on my glasses for my selfies, I will need to lay down on a chair to take them. I will need to practice this, to make it look right, but this afternoon I had a lot of glare on my glasses, and now I have something to try the next time I play with makeup. Until then…check out my business page, and if you want to, come on over to the group. There is a lot going on there, and I am planning so much more!

#MakeupMonday #makeuphappens