by Tish MacWebber | Nov 8, 2017 | Treasure Seeker Tuesdays
Hello Treasure Seekers! (Sorry it is Wednesday now, but I needed more time to get something extra special for you!) It is time to write something a little different. Again. 🙂 Stick with me, I have an idea.
I recently went to a movie premiere for Anonymous Zombie. It was filmed here, in New Brunswick, and I know the Special/Visual Makeup Artist for this movie. The title this week gives away my idea, it is to interview my friend, Kadi Oram. I have known her for at least fifteen years, now. We met as vendors at Impossible Realities; a gaming convention, in Saint John, New Brunswick. We have each been travelling on our own individual creative paths to becoming entrepreneurs. I am happy that I was able to see her name on the big screen during the premiere. I think it is really important that we stay in touch, especially as we are both carving our own paths to capture our dreams and rein them in. Here is the interview.
Tish: We first met at Impossible Realities. I find it uncoincidental that we were both there as vendors, wives of Gamer Husbands, trying to make our own craftiness pay off, each one in her own way. What gave you the idea to do that?
Kadi: I have always been crafty. I saw it as an opportunity to get my self out there. Perhaps make a name for myself. I think it was boredom honestly haha.
Tish: What was the first craft that you learned how to do?
Kadi: Ohhh that’s a tough one. I know I used to paint on board and make Holiday crafts around Christmas time. Goodness, that would be back when I was about 8.
Tish: Which craft do you still do from way back?
Kadi: Sadly I don’t actually craft anymore. I used to do perlers, clay work, beadwork. and now I am just far too busy with my new career choice. It doesn’t leave me a lot of free time.
Tish: Is there a creative hobby that you just can’t give up on?
Kadi: I guess my desire to own all the crafty things, even if I may never use em. Haha.
Tish: The desire to own all of the crafty things is something I can totally understand. I think a lot of other creative souls out there will relate to that sentiment, whether or not they are actively working on their crafts. Was there a pivotal moment that made you decide to go to school and pursue your current career path?
Kadi: Yes. three years ago, We went to Crystal Palace as a family and my eldest wanted to get her face painted. We did it, she fell in love with it, and demanded a face painter for her upcoming birthday party. With no avail, I took on the role myself. 3 years later I have achieved quite a reputation for myself and am now on film #3. *winks*
Tish: How did you know it was the right career choice for you?
Kadi: Anything with Beauty, Glam, Gore, Glitter and Colour, pretty much sums up my life so being a Makeup Artist and Face Painter made sense.
Tish: Where does the desire to be a Special/Visual Makeup Artist come from?
Kadi: I suppose it comes from the desire to always be bigger and better. And to go from a children’s party favour to become a critical part of a team for feature films is a pretty solid direction of bigger and better.
Tish: Did you ever think that you would be turning actors into Zombies?
Kadi: Maybe in my head, I did, which is why I think its so easy for me to imagine and put one together. Haha.
Tish: What was the dream that you have been chasing?
Kadi: To make my family and children proud of their Wife, Mom, Daughter.
Tish: Have you achieved it yet?
Kadi: I sure hope so.
Tish: I know you do. As you (may, or may not) know, I am on my own personal journey, taking my beadwork alongside my Author Career Goals. What type of books do you like to read?
Kadi: Ohhh I’m a harrrrrd core nerd. Fantasy is pretty much right up my alley. Hobbit-esque.
Tish: Excellent. After I am finished writing my NaNoWriMo book about cat stories, I am going to work on one of my lifelong dreams of writing a Fantasy Trilogy. Do you have a favourite Author?
Kadi: Well with that I’d have to say, Tolkien. In fact, I have a Tolkien tattoo, it’s elvish, on my thigh *Proud*
Tish: What is next for you in your entrepreneurial goals?
Kadi: Opening a Salon of my own now that I have graduated Aesthetic College with a 99% average, might I add. It made sense for me to open and continue to do my movies and face painting.
Tish: Where does your inspiration come from?
Kadi: My own head, my children, everything and anything around me. I can usually turn my work into something beautiful or something horrifying.
Tish: Other than the wonderful things you have accomplished in your personal life, what are you most proud of yourself for doing?
Kadi: Pushing myself when there were so many days I didn’t feel adequate enough. My children and husband are a huge inspiration of my pride. My friends *smiles*. I’m proud; I refuse to let any of you down.
Tish: What scares you, and how do you overcome the fear?
Kadi: The fear of failing scares me.
I try to look at what I’ve accomplished so far and I remind myself that now, no one can take this away from me. We were surprised with great news today, Anonymous Zombie had won an award in Berlin at the Rising of the Undead Film Festival, for Best Zombie Movie!! Another thing to take with me and hold dear to my heart. and to keep that fear of failing far, far at bay.
Tish: What advice would you give to people who are just starting on their journey, and how are you planning to teach your daughters about this journey?
Kadi: My one piece of advice, would be….
Never think you’re good enough.
Never think you’re the best.
Having that fear of someone else being better will keep you on your toes and keep your game strong and on top. I plan to tell my daughters this. Humility is important in any journey. Always keep yours.
Wow. Am I ever glad I thought of doing this interview. Kadi, thank you for taking the time to answer my questions and lend your wisdom to the Treasure Seekers. I know I certainly have enjoyed being your friend, and watching you take chances and grow as an entrepreneur. You are someone I am going to be proud to call my friend years from now; when we are both having a glass of wine and reminiscing about how we exploded into our own niches and expanded our horizons beyond our wildest imaginations. Congratulations Kadi, for believing in yourself and not settling for anything less than your very best, and Congratulations to the Cast and Crew of Anonymous Zombie for winning that award in Berlin! That is fantastic news. I am so glad you shared it here. I cannot wait to find out when and where I can catch the movie again. I want to share it with my friends!
There you have it! My first interview on my Blog. I know other authors interview authors, and I may try that later on in the blog. Kadi is such an inspiration to me, I love cheering her on, and cannot wait to see what she gets to do next!
Cut! That’s a wrap!
#TreasureSeekerTuesday (on a Wednesday)

Treasure Seeker Tuesday: Photo by Tish MacWebber; Photo Edited by Noa Price