by Tish MacWebber | Jun 8, 2019 | Weekend Warrior
Nothing makes me want to clean on a daily basis. I am working on it. My new routine has left me with time to do what I should be doing all along. I know how to clean, it is just not something I enjoy because things just get messy again. For most of the year, I putter. Company is coming, Weekend Warriors, and it is crunch time!
When we adopted a kitten, and I can’t believe it has been three weeks ago already, I had started cleaning a bit. I decided that before we took our new fur baby home, that I would clean the main bathroom, in case we needed an isolation space. Am I ever glad I did that!
She came to us and it was a week before she was using the litter box properly. She is doing great since we got her to start using it, and we only had to isolate her overnight for a week. Isolation included a litter box, food, water and toys. We weren’t punishing her, we just needed her to learn to use the litter box.
Phew! I was tired of waiting for the next mess to clean up during that first week. Once she caught on, things became easier to handle. She is now running at full speed in most of our mini home; from one end to the other, with the exception of two rooms.
The Cleaning Bug Is In Full Swing!
The guest room will never be open to her. My mother is allergic to cats, and because of this, we want to keep that room as free of cat hair and dander for her visits. It is a small room, and once I finally get to cleaning it, there won’t be much Jazzy the kitten will be missing in there.
The master suite is where I have been focusing. I started moving my craft studio out of the guest room, into the master suite two years ago. It became overwhelming and I had left things where I piled them while in transition. I am sad to say that last year when I had company; I was embarrassed about the state of my home. To be fair, I wrote a book and held a full-time job in that year, so it wasn’t a complete waste my time or energy. It was being poured into the work of my heart, and the day job.
This year I am preparing to start my own business. I am working on a business plan. When I started, I had an idea in mind, but it has since changed. You can read more about it in the latest Tishspiration Tuesday blog post. All has not been revealed yet, but I am making changes to help me on the way.
Jazzy Will Have Access To The Master Suite
When it is ready. We have been working hard on cleaning, and the master suite has been my own project. Roy is working on replacing window screens, as some had tears in them, and we don’t need Jazzy finding any more hornets for Roy. He took care of them before she got near, but she was very curious when she found them. Roy had to keep that window shut until today when he fixed the screen. He plans to go into our shed and organize his tools. He inherited some from his father this year, and he has not had time to sort through them yet.
I try to clean when he is here so that Jazzy is not lonely while I am on the other side of a closed door. She will fuss a bit, but she is also very good at entertaining herself. I crinkle up a ball of paper for her to play soccer with to distract her from the door if I am the last one going to bed, to distract her. Soon, that won’t be a problem.
Today I go in to remove the half closet with shelves we added a while ago. It has 3 parts, 2 shelving units which have cube storage for 3 shelves, and a pole for hanging clothes. The pole will be removed. The 2 shelving units will be relocated by the bed, where my tall dresser is. They can attach to the wall, and the place I wanted to put them has a fuse panel door which would cause a problem. So I am moving the dresser back there. It used to be there before, and it will be able to move when we need access to the fuse panel.
As I Write This, Jazzy Has Come For Snuggles
Can we say spoiled rotten? Of course, she is! She has 2 boxes on my desk, but still wants to lay next to me, between me and the keyboard. Jazzy has a very loud purr and is demanding of attention at times. She is very much a part of our family already, and I want things to be the best we can for her and our visitors.
So this weekend, I am going to finish the master suite. I will have to run the dishwasher a few times, as I was ill earlier this week and things fell behind a bit. It does help to have it going while I am working on other things, so I don’t have to wash all the dishes by hand. It also helps me to feel productive when it is going, therefore it motivates me to do more!
I am not going to share any pics at this time. It is not done yet. I will say that I am known to be lazy when it comes to cleaning, and I am trying to fix that. In the last few weeks, I have sent bags of donations, paper to be recycled and garbage out of my home. I am just making time to finish some important projects.
What are you doing this weekend?
by Tish MacWebber | Apr 4, 2018 | Treasure Seeker Tuesdays
This week in Treasure Seeker Tuesday, I want to write about someone very important. YOU! The world is a harsh place at times, and it is easy to get lost in the shuffle. People disappear in the mundane routine of work eat sleep repeat. I am writing today to tell you that you matter and that you need to stop existing and start living. Treasure Yourself! What do I mean by that?
Everyone on this planet is capable of making choices. Some people choose to fly under the radar and just sit in the background to avoid the spotlight. It isn’t for everyone to be the centre of attention all of the time. I think we all get our chances to shine in the world, but it is up to us to grab on and go for the ride. When it is your time to show the world what you can do, you need to own it.
I have spent many years of my life just surviving, and I have realized that I was meant to thrive. I am on a mission to tell stories, here in the Blog and also in my books. I do not know how successful this adventure will be, but I know that I am determined (okay, stubborn) enough to see it through to the finish line. I have literally come to life since I stumbled onto the path I am on, and I can honestly say that I have no regrets. It is lighting a fire in my soul called passion, and it is sometimes flickering but never extinguished. When I am on a low burn, that is when I need to find the desire to try something different or do the things I do not want to do so that I can get back to doing what makes me happy.
When I am quiet, and I let my thoughts roam, I come up with some brilliant ideas. They could be jewellery designs, topics to write about here on the blog, or plans for my current WIP (work in progress aka book.) I can solve problems, and create a solution just by sleeping on it. I can find so much joy when I press publish on a blog story like I will with this one because I know that I was inspired just before I decided to write, and it has a purpose and a message.
So do you. You are reading this because you are looking for something. Inspiration, guidance, hope. Something makes you read this category, or the title caught your eye. I am told that the featured pictures are getting stale, and that will be one of the changes I think seriously about this month. I need to work on this website. I need to edit my WIP. I don’t really want to do either of those things, any more than I want to clean my house from top to bottom or crawl out of bed to face the work week, especially on Mondays. Sometimes, you have to do the things you don’t want to do so that you can do the things you want to do. Adulting is hard.
I used to go around cranky saying that I hated being responsible. I was really miserable deep down inside before I rekindled my love for writing. The answers are within you, and being cranky all of the time, as a victim of circumstance is not one of them. I am writing today to tell you that you have to do some soul searching to find your answers.
Just like everything else, anything worth doing is never easy. If it was, we would all be doing it already. You have to ask yourself the tough questions, and then be patient enough to learn the answers.
Bad things happen. To everyone. The hardest thing is to pick yourself up by your socks and move on. Move over. Move around. Whatever obstacles stand in your way, it is up to you to find the way to crush them and seize your answers. If you just take a little tiny step, you will see that you can take another one. After that, you can keep moving forward, one baby step at a time, until you are moving forward by leaps and bounds, bracing yourself at the sharp corners, and tumbling like a pro when something dares to try to slow you down. You will stumble, and you will fall. The only thing to do is get up and try again. The only thing I ever gained from giving up was being cranky all of the time. I don’t want to be that person. Go find your baseball glove and start throwing the curveballs. Don’t dodge them. Catch them, and throw them right back where they came from.
Do you remember reading the Choose Your Own Adventure books? I used to love them. I would read the first ending, and then I would reread all of the other options until I had learned every scenario. That is how you need to approach life. We don’t know how it will end until we try all of the possible scenarios. Choose wisely, and start living to your fullest potential. I am only beginning to discover just what I really am capable of doing. The world is not ready for me yet. I am full of surprises, and I am going to keep pushing my boundaries as far as I can. The only thing standing in my way is myself. I choose to Treasure Myself and trust in what feels like I am meant to do. Treasure Seekers, do it. Treasure Yourself. Open your heart and mind to the possibilities, and believe in yourselves. I can do more than I ever thought was possible. So can you. Go get it!