Treasure Seeker Tuesday # 12

Treasure Seeker Tuesday # 12

Hello Treasure Seekers! Here we are for another meeting where I think, then I write; so you can read, and maybe then you think too! Not too hard, I hope. It is good to think about things, but if you are Always Thinking…like I am, it can be exhausting. Want to know a secret? It is also exhilarating.

I am building a website. You know that if you follow this blog. I am writing a book. You know that also for the same reason. I have more than one book in me to write, and that is something that I am happy about. In the music world, there are one hit wonders. I want to be a best selling author, and that means I have to write more than one book. I don’t expect to hit it out of the park with my first book, but a girl can dream.

So what holds people back from taking the leap of faith into the exhilarating world of chasing your dreams and chasing their passion? I have been thinking about that a lot, lately. I have been dragging my feet about my website launch. I am struggling with the importance of it. I want to change it, but not too much. There needs to be a bit of familiarity to make people want to take the leap with me, and that requires a foundation built on trust. I am working hard to put myself out there so that when I make the leap, there is a landing pad to aim for.  Since I am writing about this in the Treasure Seekers category, I need a map and a big letter X to the destination.

I have been working on this website in my mind for months. I know what I want to do, and now that NaNoWriMo is over, it is time for me to take action on it. I do have time this weekend, but me, really, building my own website?  I never learned how to do anything like this before? What if nobody ever goes to it? What if nobody ever buys any books from my website? What if it fails?

The fear of the what ifs can be paralyzing.  If you are too scared to try, then you have already failed. What is the alternative, then?

To take action. To stop thinking and start doing. I don’t always have all of the answers, but I have never been too afraid to ask questions. More importantly, the end result is worth asking questions for. I am working on all of this with an end goal in mind. Although like a resume, a website is never going to be sufficient to be left alone when it is done. Inevitably there will need to be changes and updates. If it is left the same for too long, it runs the risk of losing its zest.  That is one of the reasons that I have decided to move this blog to my own website.

It is a risk. It is scary. It involves a fair bit of work, which I am not scared of, itself. I am more worried about getting stuck in the middle and not being ready to launch on New Year’s Day. That is the goal I have set for myself, and with that in mind, I have time, if I get working on it right away.

The other thing I see people sharing online is the fear of being seen as an imposter. I am an author. I am writing constantly, several times a week if not every day. I had to build up my stamina as a writer. I needed to test the waters (make a splash) with the blog to see if it was something that I would keep working on, instead of something I just wanted to play with and drop when I got bored. I am still writing here, so I passed the first test I gave myself. I pushed to learn new things. I am taking courses online. I am not spending a lot of money on this passion, yet. I will need to work on a business plan. That means I have to take another course (YAY! #HAPPYWRITING has a course for me to learn how to do this) and I need to take the next step.  I need to research what I need to know about publishing options. In the middle of everything I have going on right now, I also have to write my book. Then I will literally switch gears and write another book. The second book will be going in a completely different direction. I have a concept already. It is another one I NEED to write. I am hoping to get the first two books out of my system so that I can prove that I can write a book, and start preparing to make the fantasy trilogy a reality, not just a dream.

When I publish my first book, and sell just one copy, I will no longer be working towards the passion of becoming an author. Of course, I want to sell more than one copy of my book. One is a good place to start. Then we will see what happens. Until that day comes, I will keep working on writing and building my website. If I am doing instead of thinking about what to do, it takes the fear and the imposter syndrome right out of the equation. That is something to work for. When I am a best selling author, and I believe that I will be one, I can start tackling other dreams. Chocolate diamonds are a part of that dream…


Treasure Seeker Tuesday: Photo by Tish MacWebber; Photo Edited by Noa Price



Bling. Blog. Books.

Bling. Blog. Books.


I recently took part in a couple of challenges.  The Brand Story Challenge was the first one. The design I started this story with is the result of the week-long challenge.  But if you were not following me on Facebook, you missed a lot of the work that led up to this graphic.

There is a progression, with daily “homework” to complete the challenge and be entered in the contest for prizes.  If you were reading the daily prompts, then you will be very familiar with the daily public shares that I am copying into this story here.  Why am I doing that?  If you are wondering, it is to show the progress, and seeing them grouped together here will help understand the process and progress I accomplished by taking these challenges.

If you want to learn about how to Master Brand yourself, check out these links. For the Master Brand course, check out this website  She teaches about #masterbrand and #paidtobeyou.  If you look on Facebook, these hashtags will lead you to the right place.

I will start with the Brand Story Challenge.  This may seem like a long read today, but I feel it is the best way to share this information with all of you that are reading.  So grab a cup of coffee or tea and spend a little time with me as I share this journey.  The end goal is to become an entrepreneur with Bling. Blog. Books. and I will be happy if you stick with me through this adventure.  You can even participate in the Bling and Blog Freebies if you read to the end.

I found out about the Brand Story Challenge #BSC while scrolling through Facebook.  I do not click on all of the ads I see, but sometimes I check things out.  I am in 100 Coffees to enhance my networking skills with women like myself.  I am in #HappyWriting because the creator, Jessica Dionne Abouelela, has been there for my journey since almost the very beginning.  She helped me to change my blog from its former Newbie status to the one you see today.  To be honest, she rescued me and my website and gave me a new direction for it. I did most of the work, and she was instrumental in helping me figure out how to do that.  She had been encouraging me to do more research on my own Brand, and she also thought that the #BSC would be a good fit for me. I know you are reading, so thank you, Jessica.

Jessica’s current website is girlvscity, and she is going to be launching a Happy Writing project in October.  If you want to join an AMAZING writing community on Facebook, then I highly recommend Happy Writing the Facebook Group that I am in.  You can also check out Happy Writing Co, which is another Facebook group she has on the go.  Jessica has always taken the time to answer my questions and gives solid advice.


The next 5 entries will share the five days of #BSC public posts.

I am inspired by what happens when I apply all of my creative skills and imagination to my projects. The results speak for themselves, and when I complete a project that I conceptualized entirely myself, it literally amazes me how my brain comes up with ideas that work. My passion is being creative, and the more I believe in myself and push myself, the possibilities have no limits. I will think my way through everything that I do and find success while spreading joy through my work. If I apply my talents, each success inspires me to try more new things, and I get so excited when my brain is “on fire” and I am in the zone. When your passion reveals itself, there is no comparison to the feelings of accomplishment that you get from following it.

The world needs more of Tish MacWebber’s creativity in it. I help people spread it around, with my Blog, Bling, and Lyrics.

#brandstorychallenge #day1

The moment that I decided I would help people was when I decided that I would start with helping myself. I started my blog to share my lyrics, for collaboration with musicians. I realized that writing my blog is bigger than me just writing to practice for writing my books. People are reading, commenting, and liking what I am writing about. They are watching for my regular series stories and following them. What I write about is holding me accountable, and helping me grow in my personal journey through my life. My writing is helping me gain confidence to keep writing, and to write books like I dreamed of doing. I feel good about creating, and writing is a creative outlet for me. It is something that I enjoy doing. As an avid reader, I want to write a fantasy trilogy. By writing stories from my heart and mind, I can help people escape the real world one chapter at a time, and by achieving my dreams, maybe I will inspire someone else to stop procrastinating about making their dreams a reality, and act on those dreams to make them come true. #brandstorychallenge #day2


I’m looking for 5 people who feel like their true worth is being overlooked in their real life, and love to read books that help them escape their every day and inspire them to be someone that is worth taking the time to get to know who they really are on the inside. I am also looking for people that appreciate details, that know the little things matter and can make a big impact if they are displayed in the correct fashion. Are you one of those people?
#brandstorychallenge #day3

My business Superpower is applying Tish into everything I do. Whether it shows in my creativity and thinking, my stubbornness, imagination, finding solutions, embracing my feelings and pushing through them to the other side, facing every project with an open heart, my sense of humour or my geekiness, I give my all and get’er done. When I reach that time that my brain finds the solution to what I have been thinking about, I make decisions and act on them.
My creativity thought processes and quirkiness combined with asking a million and one questions to brainstorm and learn what I need to give’er leads me to creative Tish solutions and final products that I am proud to share with the world. My business superpower is me, and my secret weapon is that I am full of surprises.
#brandstorychallenge #day4

Tish of Tish’s Treasures wants YOU to know that when you want her to create a custom order for YOU that she will listen to what your needs are, and DESIGN unique jewellery for you or someone you love to wear.

Tish MacWebber wants YOU to know that she is the real deal. She is writing her first book, and practicing her writing skills while holding herself accountable in her blog at the same time. Her writing is reaching people through her blog in 50 different countries, and she cannot wait to share her fantasy trilogy with you all. Escape your world for a little while by reading what she is up to. There will be excerpts from her first book shared when it is closer to completion.


ARE YOU STILL AWAKE?  We are halfway through this epic long story.  This can be your intermission break if you need one.  Refill your coffee or tea cup, grab a snack, run to do whatever needs to be taken care of, but please do come back.  Keep reading, if you made it this far, there are things to do at the end!

In between the challenges, I held a Scavenger Hunt Contest to encourage people to look up my Tish’s Treasures Facebook Page, my Tish MacWebber Author Page, and of course, to check out my blog.  I made my first Facebook Live videos. I had a winner, and she now has a custom designed pair of earrings as her prize.

Scavenger Hunt Prize

These are the earrings I made as the prize for my Scavenger Hunt Contest.

The second Challenge was the Grow Your Tribe Challenge, #GYTC.  It took some of the work I did in #BSC and added to it while exploring different methods of growing your tribe.  Here is the summary of the daily prompts for that challenge.


The solutions I provide are unique because I pour myself into everything I create, and it is my passion. As an artist; that translates to being a creator of unique designs that come from my heart and mind. As an author; my writing speaks to people through my blog already. My fantasy books will share stories that are written so well that you get sucked in, don’t want to put the book down, and the readers feel invested in the stories and the characters in my books. I want to help the readers escape their lives by reading their way into my imagination. Not everyone that reads my blog is a writer, but 6 people that I know in real life have decided to look into writing their own blogs and asked me for advice. If I can do this, you can chase your dreams and make them a reality too. You just have to decide that you are going to make them happen, and start learning and doing.
#growyourtribechallenge #day1

My Tribe is amazing because they may not all have been there since day 1, and they may not all know me in person, but they are open enough to learn, laugh, cry, and be surprised by me. They are learning what I am all about and at the same time, they are discovering how my creativity infuses positivity and it is my passion. Oh, and that it is contagious. People in my Tribe check things out, ask questions, and learn to believe in themselves, right beside me. I want to help my readers escape their lives by reading their way into my imagination. They will discover their passion, explore their own imagination, ask a million and one questions and add a little more Tish in their lives. They need it, and they don’t even know it yet unless they are already in!

Please note: There was a new “Tish-ism” created during this day’s challenge, so keep an eye out on the blog, it’s going to be a busy week there!
#growyourtribechallenge #day2

Freebies for Tribe Members!
With my free consultations, I can help you find the perfect gift for that hard to buy for person. I know for a fact that not everyone has a unique beaded design made by Tish’s Treasures, and it is my mission to share a little more of Tish with the whole world. How can I help you at the same time? I am starting up a Birthday Club for the Tish’s Treasures Tribe. There will be a survey to enter, and every month there will be a prize for one person that has their birthday that month. Bonus for everyone that has a birthday that month? $5 off coupon for your birthday month purchases with Tish’s Treasures. The Survey will be ready on Friday, September 1st, and the coupons will be good for the whole month for the September Birthday People. This will continue indefinitely, every month. Prize name will be drawn on the last day of the month, every month.

Need traffic on your blog? Guest posting is currently available with my blog.
I will be both a host for your submission on my blog, and you can also ask for me to write a guest post for yours. What do you get? Both websites get more traffic. It’s a win win!

Do you want to share a story on my blog, but are not confident in your own writing skills to write your story yourself? I can schedule a meeting or an interview with you and help you share that story. I am currently looking for contributions and submissions for my Trust Your Gut series, about issues people have with weight, no matter what those issues are.

Remember Tish MacWebber is Always Thinking…and if you need help with something I am available for brainstorming sessions. I like to help people. Two heads are better than one.
#growyourtribechallenge #day3

Part 1: I’ve decided to present my freebie Tish’s Treasure Seekers Guest Blogging as an open invitation which I will be designing before September 1, 2017, to share on my Facebook Author page. It will invite Bloggers to contact me for Guest Blogging opportunities, either for me to host your story on my blog, or for me to guest write a story for your blog. My initial goal is one or two a month, so shout out if you want to be involved. Guest Blogging is a very good way to increase your traffic to your blog website.
#growyourtribechallenge #day4

Part 2: I’m so excited to create the Tish’s Treasure Seekers Birthday Bling Club, my new freebie that’s a short survey to help people sign up for a contest during their Birthday month! One person wins a gift from Tish’s Treasures every month, and everyone gets a $5 discount for shopping with Tish’s Treasures during their birthday month that is valid for the whole month! It will be starting on September 1, 2017.
#growyourtribechallenge #day4

I am committed to streamlining the Tish MacWebber BlingBlogBooks brand, including all of you, Tish’s Treasure Seekers, because I am passionate about creativity. I want to lead by example, and this means I will be taking the dreamer inside of me and encouraging her to be the successful entrepreneur that I know she will be. I pour myself into everything I create, and it is my passion. As an artist; that translates to being a creator of unique designs that come from my heart and mind. As an author; I want to help my readers escape their lives by reading their way into my imagination. I am already proving that I can write through my blogging journey. I have already swept up people in my enthusiasm and inspired them to think outside of their comfort zone. If you’re ready to start seeking your treasures, then join me on September 1st, 2017 for the Launch of Tish’s Treasure Seekers Birthday Bling Club as well as keeping a watch for the open invitation to Tish’s Treasure Seekers Guest Blogging Series on the same day! It’s a double whammy! I am full of surprises, and when you join Tish’s Treasure Seekers, not only will I surprise you, but you may also find that you start surprising yourself!

As promised, the freebies from above are things YOU can participate in.

You are cordially invited to start a discussion with Tish MacWebber about Guest Posting opportunities.2

Please note the new website address is


Tish’s Treasure Seekers Birthday Bling Club Q&A

If you answer 6 questions, you can be entered too!  I promised there were good reasons to read to the end!

Since I have completed the second challenge, I have launched the above freebies.  I have also renamed and updated the Tish’s Treasures Facebook group.  It is now Tish’s Treasure Seekers and is linked to the business page.

What is coming in the future?  More fun. More interactions. More writing. More Bling. More contests.  Growth doesn’t happen by itself, or overnight. So more work. I will be moving this Blog to an umbrella website for Tish MacWebber.  Things are going to become even more exciting than they already are.  I hope that you all join me.  It’s going to be something you don’t want to miss.

Could I have made this a shorter read? Yes.  I didn’t because I wanted you all to see the bigger picture with me.  Congratulations for reading all the way to the end.  I have to say, the bigger picture is panoramic!  I love the view!