Weekend Warrior #35
I spent a bit of time cat sitting this weekend. That happens sometimes. I like cats, and there may be a time when we need help from our friends, so I make sure I am available.
I watched some movies on Netflix with the cats. Movies my husband has not expressed an interest to see. I watched the Gaga movie Five Foot Two. I enjoyed it. It gave the fan a look from the outside into her creative process, showing her as a person that has issues like everyone else. It also gave insight into the thought process behind her last album, Joanne. Wow. I didn’t know what that song was written about. I had an idea, but the documentary really explained a lot about the title song. There is so much more to her heart than I knew.
I also watched Hidden Figures. That was a really good movie. It made me mad sometimes, about the way things used to be. I am glad that things are different, now, but I don’t think that they are better. People are people, and we need to work on being nicer to each other. Me too.
I watched the documentary Long Time Running too. As a Tragically Hip fan, I was sad to hear the news last week that their frontman, Gord Downie, died after fighting his battle with cancer. It followed the band and a bit of his solo project in the last year. They had a concert that was aired commercial-free last year, and any show they were in since, whether it was on CBC or CTV has been aired the same way. The last concert of their last tour was broadcast across the country in its entirety pretty much everywhere. I watched it on a big screen with several hundred strangers and a few friends. It didn’t matter, we all sang, watched and cried together. I am glad I made a point of doing that, as I never got to see them play live. This was as close as I was ever going to get, and it was such a memorable evening.
I have reflected about the musicians that have died in the last few years. I don’t know of any that took a fatal illness and fought it head on to raise awareness for both the illness and a cause close to their heart. Gord has made Canadians stop and think about many things this past year. He had the support of his medical team, his band, his family, and his fans through it all. What a legacy to leave behind.
Last night another Gord Downie hour took up my attention. It was the concert of his mission, The Secret Path. It is not my story to tell, but it made me sad to watch it last night. It wasn’t that it was being aired after he passed away, but the raw artistry displayed in telling the story along with the animation and song moved me to tears. It was not a story with a happy ending, and it has me wondering what I can do to make things better. I cannot fix the past mistakes made in Canada, but I can try to help and heal. Someone said to just reach out and be a friend. I think it is an excellent place to start.
Around all of this, I had a really busy Saturday. I had 2 separate events.The first one was the annual Boston Terrier Rescue Canada Recycling for Rescue Event. I showed up and helped separate some cigarette packages for recycling. I helped hang a poster and went on a coffee run. I donated to get a BBQ lunch. My husband also enjoyed lunch and had cashed in some bottles a neighbour donated for the rescue. I got someone to tell him about a dog that needs a home through the rescue, but he said no. We have to be in agreeance when we get a dog, it has to work for both of us, and for the dog. So no dog for me yet.
I then jumped in my car after bringing him home and getting my laptop. I went to the first NaNoWriMo Meet & Greet of the season. I had a little too much caffeine in me, and I chatted everyone’s ears off. I hope I didn’t scare anyone off. 😉 I was a little bubbly, and if I am saying I was talking a lot, I was. I think it went well. We all answered questions when asked, and I think it was a success.
I was so busy I am feeling like I am forgetting something. I had to scrub my BTRC t-shirt in between events as it decided to be a magnet for coffee and mustard. Then I found out there were puppy paw prints on it too. LOL. There were dogs a the event, and they were friendly. I really don’t know how I got all that done in a weekend, but I fit it all in. I am feeling rather tired still, so I am hoping to have a chance to rest up around the other project I am working on.
I KNEW I WAS FORGETTING SOMETHING! I am hard at work on the website. I want to launch it on November 1st. The blog has moved, and I will be adding this to the other location and the other stories up until November 1st will be in both locations. Then I will be working on the website for the blogging and other new adventures from then on. Don’t worry, it won’t be hard to find, and I am going to share the links when it is ready for the launch. I am finally pushing forward with this project, and I am getting excited about it. It was a super busy weekend, with ups and downs, full of challenges and progress. Next weekend is busy with Halloween parties, and if we are lucky I will have some pictures for the story next weekend. Until then, sorry it was a little late, but I was definitely a winner this past weekend! How was your weekend?