by Tish MacWebber | Nov 1, 2017 | Treasure Seeker Tuesdays
Happy Halloween Treasure Seekers! I am writing at the end of my day. I got up and put on my costume and makeup. I came home and handed out treats. It is so much fun to open the door in costume and see the reactions of the kids, and even some parents. I got a few compliments and was swarmed by a mob of little, costumed people as they didn’t want to miss out on their treats. It was not scary, most of that crowd was under 5 years old. Their parents had a small bit of panic that they were being rude, but I am from a small rural community (this is a hint about my trilogy-the location-not a real place, but a familiar one) and we used to go into people’s homes for our treats when we were kids. It was how things used to be, in a small, rural community.
Halloween is full of fun, adventure and maybe a scare or two. Some costumes are scary. Some are fun! I like the creative ones, and one boy liked my costume. He was wearing all black, and used glow-sticks to decorate himself, had them as glasses and different parts of his outfit. I returned the sentiment. Being dressed as a leopard, I was more tired tonight than I have been in other years. I know this because when the kid in the Scream mask asked, “Whassup?” My reply was a cranky sounding “Me-yow.” I listened to music, asked preferences of chips or cheesies, and ate the bag of microwave popcorn I got at work today so I didn’t get too hungry before supper.
Before I washed my face, I made a short facebook live video to say hello to people and show that my makeup lasted for the whole day. I was glad to be able to wash my face. I never noticed how many times a day I wanted to scratch my nose before. LOL. Then I made some sandwiches, and I am preparing to go to bed. On the Eve of NaNoWriMo.
I am going to be writing a book in November, with a lot of other people. I am going to need to edit after because I don’t think slamming 50,000 words in 30 days will be the kind of writing that is ready for publishing. I do want to write 1,667 or more words every day in November to win and get to the 50,000 word goal for the month. I have tried before, but I have not won. This year, I have the inspiration generated from thinking about the loss of a friend, who regularly participated in NaNoWriMo. She will be featured. I was originally going to write the whole book about her, but it is less pressure and research if I write about what I know. So the concept has its origins but has evolved. That is how I roll.
This week I am writing about writing. I am preparing to embark on a journey to test my skills in a new format with goals and ideas. As I wrote this I had to stop and make a note. The thoughts are percolating. The ideas are coming out in bits and pieces. This year I am going to win!
I have also made an arbitrary decision that November is MY month. It is the month when I get things together, make changes, try new things, and move forward in my life. It happened last year, and although I am not launching my new website yet, I am getting ready to do it. A year ago I started blogging. This year I am writing books, and building a website. ME! By myself, with coaching and guidance from friends I know or have met on this journey.
What are you going to try this November? Let’s make it a winning month together. I told you what I am doing. How can I help you? Let me know below. Have a great week!

Treasure Seeker Tuesday: Photo by Tish MacWebber; Photo Edited by Noa Price
by Tish MacWebber | Aug 2, 2017 | Guest Blogging, Writing
If you have been to my About page, you will recognize this picture. It is from one of my favourite places in the world, in Chimney Corner, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. It is a bench made from driftwood that overlooks a private beach. You will not find it easily, it is not open to the public. Not even very many locals have been here. It is a gem in the home of my heart, and a place I think of often.
The ocean seems to find its way into my words when I write, whether it is song lyrics or into my fantasy trilogy. That’s right, I am planning to write a fantasy trilogy based in the home of my heart. It won’t be about my life, exactly, it will be straight from my imagination. There may be familiar issues or mannerisms found in some of the characters, but I am not basing any of it on real people. After meeting Kelly Armstrong a few weeks ago, I realized that for my first trilogy, it will be enough to write it without creating a new world for it to happen in. I asked her during the Q&A session at the local library if she would ever write in a world that she created, and she answered that she didn’t plan to create any other worlds for her writing. She said that she felt that there are people that are better suited to world building, and she isn’t one of those people. I am reading some of her books now, and have read some before the event at the Library. I am not sure if I will write more than a trilogy based in Cape Breton, or if I will connect all of my books there somehow. However, I do think it is a logical place for me to start.
I also got some books signed after the Q&A had finished. I told her that I am writing my first trilogy and that I am a little nervous about writing book 2. I am scared that I might get lost and stuck in there. She told me I was looking at it from the wrong perspective. She shared that book two is not where I should get lost, but where I should plan to have fun. I am going to try and remember that.

Matty, Kelley Armstrong, and me at the local library.
I am writing this post to tie it into my upcoming Guest Post on another Blogger’s page. He is a friend I have met online since I started my blogging adventure, and he asked me to write a story for his Around The World category. I wrote to him about my upcoming vacation in Cape Breton Island, and this became the topic I decided to write about.

The Atlantic Ocean, kissing the Cape Breton Coastline

The sun setting beside Margaree Island, seen from the shore of Cape Breton Island

What a Beach day! Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada
Thanks to my friends and family members for the beautiful pics I blended together in this project, with permission. I came back from my week in Cape Breton feeling relaxed and refreshed. I did go swimming twice, and that is where I got the title for this story. Salt water therapy on the shorelines of Cape Breton Island is the best kind and one money can’t buy.
I was honoured to be invited to share my story on Mohamad Al Karbi’s Blog. I hope you take the time to visit and read the story of my vacation. It is written to share MY Cape Breton with the world. While you are there, if you have some time, there are many other posts in this and other categories. I have enjoyed reading about different places in his blog, and I suspect if you want to read more about other places in the world, this is a way for me to help you discover the world through other people’s eyes, with their own stories.
You can read my Guest Blog # 2, Homesick for the Home of my Heart, here.
I hope you enjoy both stories for this project. As always, I have enjoyed writing them. Always Thinking…