Weekend Warrior #27
Happy Weekend to you! I am here on Sunday morning, using my AGENDA to figure out this busy day. Friday I started a new challenge. It is another five-day, free, online challenge, and since I had such a successful run at the last one I did, I signed up for the next one. The first one taught me about how to Brand myself, as an Artist and an Author. The current Challenge is about Tribe Building, and that is a logical thing for me to learn tips and tricks for, also. Both of these subjects need to be worked on, constantly, because the audience of today may be a different audience a month from now, six months from now, and onward. Not that the core audience should be changing itself, but the needs of the audience will change and refocus over time, and I need to stay relevant if I am going to level up as an artist and author.
The homework for today, Day 3 is making me hesitant to answer. It looks easy, because of launching the contest, I think I am already figuring out the next step for me. I am actually going to delay answering today until after the video for the challenge is posted. I want to be sure that my answers are well thought out because I am Always Thinking…and I need to get the most out of this challenge that I can, which means sometimes I have to think about the answer, not just slam it out onto the keyboard.
I am really inspired from taking these challenges. I ran a contest for people to check out different online projects I have on the go, and I picked a winner. Today I need to create the prize, after having a consultation with the winner, yesterday. I will be delivering the prize tomorrow, as she is someone that I work with.
Yesterday should have been an easy win for the cleaning and prep cooking. It wasn’t. I actually spent the whole day writing on the blog and working on my social media presence, as well as completing day 2 of the GYT Challenge. I made the video, and I wrote two stories for the blog, one has been published, and the other one has been written in draft format. It is waiting for approval on some links before I publish, as I want to be sure that I have gotten permission from the sources before sharing the links. (I did get permission already for the one shared here.)
You may think that it is not hard to spend the day in front of the computer. In one sense, you would be correct with that assumption. On the other hand, I am working on many things at the same time, most of the time with writing as the main event, either here, on the blog, or writing my book, elsewhere. I enjoy the social networking, and I have friends that I interact with online. I also try to share only the best, most clever tweets. I have not branched out far in the Twitterverse, but I do check in daily. It is something I am getting the hang of how to use.
If I am writing, and that is working, then yes, there is a fun factor there for me too. I really enjoy writing, and I do want to work hard at launching my trilogy to be a success. I am trying to learn as I go, and do as much of this as I can by myself. I know my limits, though, and will be in need of an editor when I have the manuscript and my initial editing completed. I will need help in different areas, but I just took a Facebook quiz, and it said that I will be a millionaire in 2019. If that is correct, I am going to be a successful published author by then. I don’t really believe that it will happen because Facebook said so, but it is something that could happen if I work hard to make it so.
Today I went to a movie with my husband. We went to see The Nut Job 2, and it was cute and funny. Full of puns! Not a lot, alright, but there were a few. Then I rushed home to put a roast in the oven for supper. Then I ran out again to help a friend buy what she needed for her store to create a new display. We were both a little off, maybe tired from being busy, so we decided to go get some iced coffee. We both had the sugar free vanilla. I really enjoyed it, and it was just what I needed to pick me up. We also sat down for a bit to have a chat. Sometimes it is good to make time to just catch up. The down side of this is that I had to turn down a visit with another friend today because I had already committed to the first friend yesterday. The timing just wasn’t working out to do everything, and I still have homework and earrings to make.
When I publish this I am going to finish making supper, watch the video for my challenge, do the homework, make the earrings, and empty the dishwasher so I can fill it up again. If I get REAL ambitious I’ll throw a chicken in the crockpot for tomorrow’s prep cooking adventures. I LOVE Roast beef sandwiches, so lunch tomorrow will be a treat! Tuesday I will need something prepared, and I am going to make Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole. Hence the need to cook the chicken, tonight or tomorrow. It is a simple recipe so it can be done in the morning. Then all I will need to do is steam the broccoli, grate some cheese, and mix the recipe together and pop it into the oven. If I get that far. Right now, I could seriously go for a nap. What does that mean? I win this weekend! I even conquered a hard avocado last night when I was making nachos for supper. It never stood a chance. What did you do this weekend?