Makeup Monday | Know Where To Draw The Line
I have been working on my makeup business lately. It is a lot of fun! Learning how to use the makeup I have to create new looks is something I really enjoy. People are being very kind as I share my selfies online. Consequently, I like to think I am getting better all of the time, and practicing is how I learn.
I also started watching Youtube tutorials. Some just for fun and others to learn. Still, others go into my saved list so I can try to recreate the look in them. One of my friends asked for help with her eye makeup, and I found some videos for her, too. It will be great to see if they help her to get the look she wants.
One of my looks featured red lipstick.
I am not going to lie, I had it in my previous stash. When I started in this business, I had makeup from other sources. The Scottish half of me won’t let me just toss them out…while the French half of me will be okay with that as soon as each item is replaced with products from the company I am working with.
The reason I mention the red lipstick is that I recently posted a graphic on my social media with my red lips. Someone commented that it was a nice colour for me, but they are not brave enough to wear a red shade on their lips. Hence, I am writing this post.

This is not the only shade of red lipstick that I own.
It is the one which looks best on me, of my 2 choices. In the cover photo, I have set out the looks for today. In my shower, I washed my face and gave it an exfoliating mask treatment. I am also working on different methods of washing and conditioning my hair to naturally enhance my curls. I am liking the results so far.
When I was ready to start my makeup for this blog, first, I used the Younique Uplift Serum under my eyes, on the bridge of my nose, on my forehead, and anywhere else I see wrinkles or fine lines. After the serum dries, which does not take very long, I apply moisturizer. Next is the Touch Glorious Face Primer, seen in the cover picture at the top of the blog. My final step to prepare for this look was to draw a line with Moodstruck Precision Pencil Eyeliner in the colour Perfect, from my forehead to under my chin.

This idea started with me thinking about the two lipsticks, and also about me wanting to show the wrong shade of foundation for me and explain why it is wrong.
I chose the two samples seen above. Touch Mineral Liquid Foundation in Cashmere is not the correct colour for me. To be honest; neither is Lace, but it is the closest one I had available in my samples from the presenter kit. I decided to match the wrong foundation colour with the wrong red lipstick.

I did not blend it at all.
I am just playing around, not creating a look I would ever wear for any other purpose. Blending would have helped it to be more even on my skin, but it would not look natural on me at all. If my skin was tanned, there might be a better chance of me pulling it off, but you can easily see it is not a natural match for my skin tone.
For the right side of my face, I added the Touch Mineral Liquid Foundation sample in Lace. It is a better match than the Cashmere, but not as good as Organza for me. I am out of Organza Samples.

For the purpose of this demo, I am not going all out on my makeup. You can clearly see that the foundation does cover my skin imperfections, to even them out. Next, I put on the two different shades of lipstick. One on the left is more orange-based, and the other, on the right is more blue-based.

So there is no need to get angry when you think about wearing red lipstick.
There is a perfect shade of red for everyone, just like there is a perfect shade of foundation for everyone. It is all about matching your colours, and your skin tone. Due to time limitations, I did not use the Touch Behold Translucent Setting Powder, which is shown in the picture at the top of the products used.

Colour matching is something which I am learning how to do. As I learn more, and as the business grows, I will continue to get better at it. For now, I have a team of friends who are happy to help me out when I have questions. They are all really great people, and they want to help me to succeed. When we work together, we all win! This is a great work ethic, one I can see myself wanting to continue being a part of, and that puts a smile on my face.

You can follow my adventures with makeup on Facebook at Always Beautiful with Tish MacWebber and if you want to see more behind the scenes you can request to join the Tish MacWebber Always Beautiful Friends Group. It is linked with the business page. Whatever you prefer, I am only a message away. #makeuphappens