Treasure Seeker Tuesday #3

Treasure Seeker Tuesday #3

Here we are at story number three.  Three cheers to you and me for sticking with this new category.  Let’s take a little walk down a winding trail together and look a little closer at the significance of the number three.

I am the oldest of three girls in my family.  We now live in three different provinces.  We chose three different paths for education and careers.  But the source of our connection remains the same.  Our family is important to all of us, and we come together in times of need, and for reminiscing while making new memories.  Time spent together is now a rare thing, and it is something I treasure dearly.

Bling | Blog | Books
Three areas of focus for my new website adventure.  I wanted to keep some of my creativity outside of writing as a way to have a link to my other talents.  Creativity is my passion, and I am always working on many projects at the same time. This is nothing new for me.  I pick things up and put them down.  Sometimes I get to a certain threshold and can no longer set the project aside.  It could be a deadline, or just knowing that I am on a roll and near completion of my project.  At this point, the world outside of my creative bubble does not exist.  I become very focused and push myself to finish whatever I am working on.  Then I proudly share what I have made.  Sometimes it is for sale. Other times it is a gift.  Very rarely is it something for myself.


I have a goal as an author to write a fantasy trilogy.  My favourite thing to read.  There is a beginning, a middle and an end to them.  Sometimes they expand into a new trilogy or a series instead of only trilogies. Since I am a devoted reader of the fantasy trilogy genre, it makes perfect sense that I want to write my own.  I have started writing book one.  There are more than three characters in this trilogy, although the main characters may end up being numbered in a group of three.  They will all have a part to add to the stories, and I am happy to be finally making progress in that area.


Sun, sand and the ocean.  Another trilogy of sorts that plays a huge role in my life.  My favourite place in the world is on a beach so it would make sense that I am centering my trilogy in a place where the beach is easy to find.  I have spent hours upon hours just walking beaches.  It is something that I love to do, and can never grow tired of.  The ocean is something I will always be drawn back to for inspiration, clearing my mind, and a sense of peacefulness.

Common Thread

All of these things are important to me in following my dreams.  My family, my goals, my favourite place to be, they are all a part of what I will use to help me write.  You will see them appear in my books, blog, and maybe in my jewellery too.  Inspiration can strike at any time, and I am telling my stories and creating treasures in my journey.  Thank you for reading, and for walking with me.


Treasure Seeker Tuesday: Photo by Tish MacWebber; Photo Edited by Noa Price

Why should you join Tish’s Treasure Seekers?

Why should you join Tish’s Treasure Seekers?




A hummingbird, in flight, searching for nectar and chasing rainbows


Things are really starting to come together for me since I started taking an interest in branding myself as an author and artist while learning how to grow my tribe.  I have been expanding my own horizons, chasing my dreams, and fueling my own creativity by following my passions.  I am currently working on so many things at once, I wanted to start a new category here, in the Blog, for news that relates to you.  I am launching it officially on Tuesday, but I could not wait to share this idea with you all, so I am publishing this introduction a little early. If you are reading this, and you are following my Blog, then you are a Treasure Seeker.  But what does that mean?

It means that you have taken an interest in my writing.  I have been told my blog is like a journal.  I have been told that I write as if I was having an actual conversation with the reader.  I have several categories on my blog, and I have some fictional stories at Tish MacWebber on Medium .  I write from my heart, and I try to make things funny or give you my very own perspective that makes you think.  At least, that is what I hope you get out of reading my stories. Because to me, they are all stories, based on how I see life, the good, the bad, and the stuff I never thought I would write about.

It means that you have taken an interest in what I am working on.  Whether it is my custom made jewellery that you can see at Tish’s Treasures or maybe you were a customer before I even started the Blog.  I plan to open an online store when I launch my own website, and I am so excited to share my treasures with the world. Gems are often considered to be treasures.  I like to think of myself as a gem, sparkly and shiny, with a highly polished surface, cut to display multifaceted layers of beauty from the outside in.  






Maybe you know me personally and have been swept up in my enthusiasm for my newly rediscovered passion.  I know it is contagious.  It is visible.  It is inspirational, and I don’t say that because it was the reason I started this journey.  I say this because people I know want to join me in the blogging community, or in their own creative outlets.  They can see how happy I am when I am telling people about what I am working on, and they want to find their own way to feel the same way I do.  


Finally, it means that you want to be inspired to seek your own treasures.  I can help you do that.  It’s not all about me.  I want to help the Treasure Seeker in you to learn with me and seek the treasures that you have been hiding.  My passion fuels my creativity.  It is positively contagious.  You can see it when you look at me, you can hear it when you talk to me, and you can read it when I write about things that I am inspired to write about.



Take flight in search of your hidden treasures


If you are new to my Blog, grab onto something and hold on.  I am in the midst of preparing to launch my own website, and the tagline description is Bling | Blog | Books.  It is the biggest project I have tackled this far, and it is progressing when I have time.  It will be launched soon.  I have to create a store, and even though I want it to be perfect for you all, I need the time to figure out how it is all going to fit together.  I now understand that it doesn’t have to be perfect to share it, but I am still in the planning stages, so it is not ready yet.  Opening soon, I promise.  What else do I have up my sleeve?  Well, if you join the Tish’s Treasure Seekers officially, then you will be in the loop.  I am full of surprises, and I have even been known to surprise myself!  
What is holding you back from chasing your dreams?  Why not make it official, and join the Tish’s Treasure Seekers  group on Facebook. Or you can send me an e-mail, at I am Always Thinking…and great at brainstorming.  We can have a consultation, and start to figure things out.  Two heads are better than one.

Welcome, friends, I look forward to sharing Treasure Seeker Tuesdays with you.



Welcome Treasure Seekers!