& Jewellery Designer
Home is where the heart is. Tish MacWebber wears hers on her sleeve. When she isn’t writing, you can find her amidst a sparkle of beads creating a custom piece for her clients or her signature collections.
Tish MacWebber Always Blinging...thrives on creating a unique custom order for every piece. Whether you are shopping for yourself or for a gift, you will be surprised at the finished product. Attention to detail is something Tish MacWebber takes pride in, and it shows. This set was featured in the Winter 2018 issue of CREATIVES RISING E-ZINE, The Online Magazine For Creatives, By Creatives. The inspiration was snow and ice for this set, entitled A Blizzard of Bling.
Books by Tish MacWebber
From Where I am Sitting…A Collection of Cat Tales is available on Amazon in both ebook and paperback formats. The ebook is also available from many other retailers.
#Tishspiration: The Art of Surprising Yourself will be launched with a cover reveal in 2019. Following will be a third book, of which Tish MacWebber has not decided to share the title, cover or release date yet. Keep checking for updates, you never know when or where the next surprise will appear on Tish MacWebber’s website.
Fresh From The Blog:
Makeup Monday | Taking The Mask Off
Have you ever heard people saying that women hide behind their makeup like it is a mask?The balance of a light touch versus being heavy-handed can be very noticeable.
Trust Your Gut: Tish’s Story; Part 78 | What Is Your Relationship Status With Food?
I have written before about emotional eating. I do it, and I am trying to change my relationship with food. It is not easy to change, but I am working on it, and I am making progress. Little by little, I am making changes and seeing results. Not too long ago, I wasn't...
Makeup Monday | Know Where To Draw The Line
I have been working on my makeup business lately. It is a lot of fun! Learning how to use the makeup I have to create new looks is something I really enjoy. People are being very kind as I share my selfies online. Consequently, I like to think I am getting better all...
Trust Your Gut: Tish’s Story; Part 77 | Stepping It Up!
I have done something new in the past week. It is time for me to be stepping it up when it comes to my health. I was sent information from a friend in an email, about a medical study at the local university. As a person with type 2 diabetes, I was able to apply. I...
Makeup Monday | Reorganizing My Stash
Hello, Beautiful Friends! I am catching my breath as I have just completed reorganizing my stash of makeup. What began as a simple project evolved as I gave myself time to think about the possibilities. In case you don't remember what my counter looked like the last...
Trust Your Gut: Tish’s Story; Part 76 |Accountability Matters
Happy New Year! Here we are in a new year, and in a new decade. I did not magically wake up skinny. 2019 had a rough couple of days during the holidays, and things got a little out of control. When things got bad, I was able to turn it around, and now they are better....