Well, I was hoping that if I ignored all the warnings and weather alerts and people talking about it, that it wouldn’t actually happen. Here it is, another snowstorm. I hope everyone keeps the power on. I hope people use common sense tomorrow when going to work or choosing to stay home. It is really windy out there. The snow is coming down fast, and piling up quickly. I don’t want to have to shovel anymore! The wind roared while I typed that last sentence. It is loud enough that it may keep me awake through the night.
I heard they are calling for ice pellets and rain tomorrow. Yippee Skippy. I guess that’s what winter storms in March are made for.They are calling for 20-45cm of snow this time around. 70-90km winds. Half the snow of the last blizzard. Still much more than I really want to face in the morning.
I am still holding out hope they are wrong. My husband is sure they are. I am hoping for less snow than is being predicted, and he just told me they were wrong so frequently this winter he is getting prepared for 60 cm of snow.
All that shovelling. Again. The Winter Snow Scoop has been living in my kitchen since the last storm. I am glad we don’t have to dig it out this time.
I will be gladder when we can put it away until after the fall.
I have to go. The power just blinked. Time to find the flashlights.
It might be time to invest in snowshoes.
Stay safe and warm inside until the morning, people. It’s a wild one!
17 cm! I win!